For me, it has been monitoring my sleep, the time I hit the sacks and the time I wake up has been consistent.

Helps to keep my mood fresh and manage my time effectively.

Sleep deprivation is not a worthy cause.

  1. Make your bed every morning. Helps you stay motivated to complete more tasks in the morning and rest of the day

  2. introspection and humility.

    Nothing matures you more faster/more than realizing when you’re wrong and not being an asshole about it.

  3. One fun but good character bulding was was manual labor with family whether chopping firewood wood or tearing up, chipping to shape, and re laying a slate pathway

  4. For me it was observing my parents and their marriage. I had an strong father figure. He gave me confidence, never made me feel unwanted and imbibed good values. I observed how my parents resolved their conflicts or disagreements by talking and remaining cordial to each other.

    Never disrespected each other or abused. They were always in love. It gave me the first impression of a healthy relationship and partner.

    My father taught how to toughen up and stand up to a bully.

    Treat your subordinates with respect, humility and compassion.

    Never do drugs or have an addiction.

    Work very hard and diligently and spent time your family and not begekct them in anyway.

    He was the road map for me to follow.

    At the same time time my mother taught me about potential red flag I need to watch out in girls. In whom I should be invested and how I shall avoid at all cost. They were respectful of my view points.

  5. It’s ironic everyone have answered your question better than you. Sleep in important but the question is building maturity and character, and all you got is “sleep more”?

  6. Make and follow a budget. It’s a very mature thing to do. But also once you do it, you’ll think that it’s common sense, and wonder how you made it this far without it.

  7. Sticking to the things I like. Made me realize over time that being a bit of a kid… Is a blessing

  8. Helping others. Making sandwiches for the homeless is simple and gives you perspective about the plight of some of your neighbors.

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