Prior to, and even leading up to sex, I am able to maintain a steady erection. Howver, during the act itself, if seems I lose a bit of momentum. I’ve heard that pressure to perform is a big deal. Is there any way to remedy this? And “not thinking about it” isn’t really an option

  1. Anxiety will kill your erection. Performance anxiety is a very real thing

    1) Practice. The more you have sex, the less anxiety producing it will be

    2) Make sex not about PIV. Sex is so much more. Focus on kissing, oral, cuddling, fingering, etc. Once you make sex less about PIV, you anxiety will likely decrease

    3) Talk to a professional. Totally normal to see a counsellor to talk about performance anxiety, and they can help you work through it

    4) Technically a cock ring can help maintain an erection. But sort of a band-aid solution that might cause more harm than good (if you feel like you need to rely on one, you’re not really dealing with the underlying problem)

    5) A lot of performance anxiety for men revolves around the need to be “sexually successful” and make your partner orgasm (this isn’t true. Both partners are responsible). But if this is the case focusing on her enjoyment and getting her off first might help you relax

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