I’m in my first relationship with this guy, he is 20y.o, everything went really fast with him. We kissed on the first date, had sex the next week and a month later we went on vacation together for a whole month only the two of us. We have some conflicts but everything is going pretty well.
However, we’re together for already 4 months now, and we had sex only 5 times, including 2 times during the 1month vacation even though we were living in hotels which was the perfect occasion to do it…

What worries me is that he never ejaculates, he only did once when I gave him a blowjob, he says “it takes too much time for me to ejaculate”. I asked him if I was really that bad (as he is my first time) but he says no it’s always really good, but he adds “as long as you’re comfortable, I am too” which makes me think that he is lying about it being good…
I never had a bf before, so idk if it’s normal that the boy doesn’t ejaculate… The way I see it is either I’m really bad, either he is gay..? (he had 7 girlfriends before me, only very short relationships)

Yesterday he told me randomly “I like the fact that we don’t have sex”, to which I answered “just like friends?” and he said “no no, you’re my girlfriend I love you”, so it makes me extremely confused.

I wouldn’t say he is asexual, he often talks dirty and talks about having sex, I also know he watches hentai, but yeah doesn’t do it with me.
The first week we were together, he often hugged me pretty sexually, he would lick my ears this kind of stuff, but now, nothing. I don’t know what to do. It seems obvious that I’m probably very bad at it but he is too nice to tell me. It just makes me very confused and I can’t stop overthinking it.

Once, during the vacation, I was really drunk and we had sex (which I don’t remember btw..) and I think he really liked it as he asked to drink everytime after that which made me upset saying that if he wants me to be drunk to have sex it’s a pretty shit behavior, to which he answered “you’re my girlfriend, I don’t need you to be drunk to have sex with you, we can do it anytime” and yeah actually that time was our last time, we didn’t do it since 3 weeks now.

Maybe it isn’t even a problem and I’m really overthinking it…

Any advice to give me?

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