I just want to preface this, a close friend of mine died recently, he left behind two little sisters and a little brother. He was kind, funny, and an amazing guy, but the age gap between him and his siblings meant that he didn’t/will never get to really know them.

I was thinking about this and realized I’m lucky to be able to be grown up with my little brother, that we’re both finally becoming our own people, but I don’t know him that well. I know generally where he’s at (in college) and can see what he’s doing from Instagram posts. But I don’t see him that often, given that we’re away at different colleges. I call him around once a month, but our calls don’t usually last more than 10 minutes, we struggle to find things to talk about, and he hangs up first because he’s busy. It’s not like we’re on bad terms or anything, we really do love each other, I just don’t *know* him.

Does anyone have any advice on this subject?

1 comment
  1. Yes. Often siblings have to put aside the normal rivalry they grew up with and accept each other as adults. Reach out to him, say what you said here and ask if you can visit and talk.

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