Men of Reddit, what is a product that is marketed almost exclusively towards males?

  1. Lynx (axe in the us) razor blades especially gillette a best a man can get supposedly.

    Hair restorers,aftershave,DIY power a lot of things basically. 😂

  2. Makeup for women.

    The fashion industry may sell it to women, but in reality, it is all about men.

    Without men, the fashion industry wouldn’t have a reason to sell makeup in the first place, because the bulk of the reason they put behind makeup is for women to “look good” so they can “get the man they want” or whatever.

    The fashion industry plays on and manipulates women’s insecurities, inexperience, ignorance, and lack of knowledge to make them believe that without makeup, no man will ever want them, or think them beautiful.

    It is so bad that even beautiful women with absolutely no reason to feel ashamed or repulsed by their natural appearance genuinely believe they aren’t beautiful unless they wear makeup, and what does makeup really do?

    Makeup ruins the skin of the wearer, often permanently so, creating an actual reason for the wearer to wear makeup because now they got damaged skin whereas before they were naturally beautiful.

    The fashion industry should be held accountable for what they have done to a multitude of generations of women, but modern society is still too reliant on makeup to ever go against the fashion industry, so there are only a handful of people I have seen that actively talk against the fashion industry, and some of them only do it for money.

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