Your significant other use to hang out in a group of 5 (them + 4 others) for a number of years. A couple is in that group, they stockingly break up because one of them cheats with someone in the group. The one that was cheated on, (opposite gender of your significant other) leaves the group and your significant other feels bad but continues to hang with the now, group of 4. They’ve tried to maintain a friendship but it eventually dies. 4 years later, the friend that was cheated on messages your partner to try and catch up. Your partner is ecstatic and jumps up for joy from the shock that their old friend randomly hit them up out of the blue. The reason for their reaction is because they feel like they’ve abandoned that friend and chose sides with the people in the wrong. Despite the reason, you feel upset and somewhat mad for the way your partner reacted. Do you have the right to feel the way you do?

1 comment
  1. I think your time for feeling upset was years ago, when your partner kept being friends with multiple people who cheated and broke up a friend group. It’s understandable, but still a bit shitty.

    The partner being happy that an old friend wants to catch up and seems to not hold this against them (even though your partner feels guilty) is not something to be upset about at all.

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