what are some amazing moments of your life?

  1. I was in third grade on a Wednesday.

    Grew up at that point with a single father and a couple abusive mother figures. Dad was in the Air Force, went to school and worked two other jobs outside of all that. To say he had very little time for me and my brother is an understatement.

    At 9AM the intercom came on telling me to go to the front office. I thought I was in trouble. But no, it was my dad checking me and my brother out from school. I then thought we were going to the doctor or something, the only time we ever went anywhere was to get vaccines or some other doctor appointments.

    But no, next thing we know, we’re pulling into the parking lot of the Louisiana State Fair.

    It was the first sort of outing like that that I can remember. We were there until they closed down the park.

    Thinking back on my childhood, that was probably the day I was the happiest.

  2. When I was a boy I saw the Aurora in the night sky, I remember how beautiful it was and how terrified it made me. Years ago a friend got me a job working on a fishing boat as a deck hand and cook, at night being in the middle of the ocean there is nothing but a deep darkness, one night night as I was smoking a cig, it started snowing, snowing in the middle of the ocean, I didn’t know that happened, it was so beautiful, snow fall around you, lit up only by the boats lights and nothing else

  3. The birth of our kids.

    Bring driven through a valley and watching jets low level flying below the level of the road.

    Sitting on the deck of an aircraft carrier with a harrier jet hovering about 100m away.

    Walking up mt Snowdon.

    Going camping with my family and them actually enjoying it.

    Lots of sexual adventures have made me inordinately happy.

    Getting the phone call that my youngest had come thru a 4 hour operation.

    Not all dying of carbon monoxide poisoning.

    There’s more I can’t think of but they’ll do for now

  4. hmm, i’m not sure i should be sharing that here. i’m not sure if this is the right place for that kind of thing.

  5. When I first held my nephew in my arms.

    When I saw my brothers and their families grow and prosper.

    When I saw my parents finally starting to live for themselves.

    When I hugged my ex’s grandparents, when the grandfather successfully conquered cancer..

  6. The rime I went to Jamaica, got in tough with my roots, saw the decorated graves of the slaves in my family. saw a pack of Stray dogs, went to Bob Marley’s grave, got offered some weed, ate myself to sleep, and I saw my Great Grandmother for the last time. I was about 13 years old.

    Haven’t done anything better since.

  7. Leaving high school early, on a Friday before a long weekend, to go skiing with my buddies. Driving north, singing at the top of our lungs to shitty music, renting an inn, finding someone to buy beer for us, skiing for 3 days straight.

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