And it doesn’t feel good. As you can guess, I’m not exactly a looker….I have a face for radio…and I suspect my meme obsessed personality isn’t as entertaining for others as I think it is. I’ve had some interest before, when I essentially paid for it. Prostitution isn’t legal, but it might as well be when you have to pay bills/manipedis/and take women on expensive dates so you can claw and scrap your way into pleasing your natural urges.

I’m not saying this to gain sympathy. I’m saying it because lately it’s impacted my ability to perform. In fact, I haven’t been erect in weeks. I’ve tried many methods besides popping pills and dangerous ones, but it won’t even twitch. I’m pretty sure it’s a mental block. I feel sexually undesired and refuse to engage, I guess?

If anyone else has experienced this, how did you overcome it? Because I’m slightly worried this could last a while.

  1. Look isn’t the only factor when looking for a partner. I would say my partner is a 7/10 at best but we absolutly fit together character, humor and activity wise.

    Just be yourself and don’t worry to much about the look as long as you appear clean (shower, haircut, beard wise).

    Obviously it’s a bit more difficult than just be yourself, i give you that and can feel that problem just to good.

  2. I did not overcome it. I accepted it and live happily without any libido or urges whatsoever.

  3. I’ve made this comment so many times to young men in your position that I’m going to condense my advice into ten words:

    You are too socially isolated. Go outside and make friends.

    I PROMISE that life will suck a bit less if you do that.

  4. Get out there. Make friends. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one wants to fuck a sad sack.

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