he texted me as follows:

“*babe i went back to the hot tub and there were these 2 guys outside the hot tub drying off and a girl in there and i didn’t even notice the girl had her whole ass tiddies out until i was hopping in literally and then when i got in she got out and they all left*


*edit: but in no rush whatsoever though she stayed in for like a solid minute?????*


*i have my airpods in*


*idk what is going on right now*”




I’m so confused as to why he told me and why he phrased it the way he did? he said it like i was one of “his boys” rather than as if he was saying it to his girlfriend? also really confused as to what I’m supposed to say in response? I’ve only been dating him for a few months but this text really upset me. i don’t know if this is an overreaction in response to trauma from previous relationships or if it actually comes across as a little disrespectful. especially because he followed up by saying “anyways” before changing the subject. it’s like he’s making light of a matter that is really emotionally affecting me. granted, he doesn’t know it’s upsetting me this much. i dont know if my reaction is normal/valid and i would really appreciate some thoughts/feedback.

edit: want to add context, he went to the hot tub in his apartment complex

  1. They were both being normal, she got out and he noticed she was topless the whole time, it took him off guard and he thought you find it funny. The explaining the minute thing is him telling you he was oblivious to the toplessness going on underwater until she stood up and it shocked him. He’s just letting you in on why he’s laughing alone in a hot tub now.

  2. I wouldn’t worry about it. It sounds like he unknowingly found himself in a weird situation, and even though he did nothing wrong, still felt like he should tell you just for the sake of full transparency. He sounds like a good guy

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