Not for relationship necessary, just for friendship

how many times you initiate the chat before you stop and wait for her to show care and interest in you and initiate the chatting herself?

**Assuming she seemed friendly and did not show a repulsive attitude towards you…**

  1. Friendship isn’t some complicated social game like dating. You want to talk to someone, you talk to someone. Any time you want (within reason), however many times you want. And if they tell you to get lost, you get lost. Simple as that.

  2. I used to attempt this,

    Every single time I did, I never heard from her again.

    When you think about it it makes sense, lots of women(not all, but a lot) on apps have a TON of potential matches to sort through. Why would they ever bother having to put effort into continuing a conversation if they have half a dozen more guys waiting in the wings to talk to them instead who are taking the lead?

  3. Considering I’ve lost contact will all but one of my friends in my life by doing the step back test, I tend to not do it anymore. It may mean I’ve never had more than one friend, which makes me sad, but I’m not dissatisfied with that friend. He’s a brother to me, if anything.

    With women, I’ve found that the effort has to be constant, with friendship and further. In general, women tend to have large social circles and those that actively meet people online have tens, if not hundreds, of people waiting on sidelines looking for any chance to make a connection. So if you willingly place yourself on the sideline, someone else will just try to jump in your spot.

    This is all based on my own experience, and other experiences will, of course, vary.

  4. Rule of three.

    Never send three texts in a row attempting contact.

    Never wait longer than three days for her response (unless you know she’s like out of town or something)

    If most of her answers are three words or less


  5. I usually take a step back when I realize that they aren’t engaging to the same extent that I am. One of the main problems I encounter with women on dating apps and the like, especially monogamous women, is there assumption that they can put it as little effort as possible, and I will still be there when they are lonely enough to give me attention. By that point, I’m long gone. I am worth pursuing as much as anyone. And if you can’t see that, we have no future.

  6. depends on the girl. some girls i can chat with forever and never take a step back. others, i take a step back after the second chat.

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