About a year ago someone ended a relationship with me and it broke me a little inside. I didn’t sleep well, had nightmares, felt a combination of numb pain and a deep pit in my soul. I got over it eventually and moved on with the help of my friends who supported me. Recently I was dating someone new and they ended things with me as well. At first, I was sad and mentally prepared myself to feel like my world was falling apart. But I don’t feel that way. I thought I was going to at least cry but I just walked into my house, showered, and it was like nothing happened. I can think about it and not feel that pit inside me, I don’t feel my eyes tearing up, I actually just feel like I want to sleep and wake up tomorrow for work. So I guess I’m just wondering if I have become to a certain extent numb to being left behind. Or maybe it hasn’t set in yet. This did happen recently. But I know what it feels like to be numb and not know what to feel or when it hasn’t quite set in. It doesn’t feel that way. This really just feels like I’m shrugging and going “oh well, win some lose some.” I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad thing. I don’t want to have an unhealthy relationship with my feelings where I just become distant with romantic feelings, but at the same time it feels nice not to care for once that someone else walked out of my life. It feels nice to be able to just shrug and continue like nothing happened. What do you guys think? Have you ever experienced this?

  1. I’ve been there. It hasn’t hit yet but it will. Right now your brain is protecting you. Make sure you have your supports in place for when it does hit.

  2. Possibly you weren’t into this recent one as much as the previous, in other words possibly you didn’t feel as much for the particular individual to begin with, making their exit easier for you to deal with maybe?

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