What is the best advice you can give to a high school girl in her first relationship

  1. The longer you wait to spread your legs for a guy the happier you’ll be in life. Your mileage may vary, but I’ve never met a women who regretted not sleeping with a guy, but I’ve known many who have.

    That and no one who loves you will force you to do something you’re not okay with.

  2. Mistakes will be common.

    They will feel like the world is crashing down. Adults will laugh at them. Not because they are trivial feelings, but because they felt those same feelings and, with the benefit of hindsight, see how little they mattered in the grand scheme of their lives.

    That does not mean they shouldn’t mean anything to you. This is the time you’re going to discover what is acceptable to you in a relationship and what isn’t. The people around you will let you know if they think a boundary is too much or too little, and you can adjust at your comfort, but make sure you, yourself, are okay with it. Boundaries are important and you’re allowed to have them.

  3. Respect yourself and especially your body. Your purity has extreme value and isn’t meaningless even if others tell you so. Set boundaries and expectations and don’t be afraid to walk away if you feel they are not being respected by your partner.

  4. You’re in high school. This is the first of many. Learn from the mistakes you’ll invariably make, don’t be pressured into anything you’re not comfortable with, and be ready for it to end.

  5. It won’t last. Eventually, it runs it’s course. You’ll date several people before getting married.

  6. Be sure of yourself and don’t be forced into anything you don’t want to do. Don’t be afraid to call it off with him if he’s not respecting you. If he truly cares for you, he should respect who you are, your boundaries etc. Don’t be afraid to confide in a friend either, though.

    If it’s your first relationship then you’re going to make mistakes. These things happen, so learn from them and move on. Communication is one of the most important things in a relationship and is usually the reason things go bad.

  7. From personal experience, many teenage girls make the mistake of thinking the relationship is entirely about them, whether they do this consciously or not. Just try to remember, that whether he shows it or not, he has feelings, and it will mean the world to him if you make sure his feelings are respected and acknowledged. But don’t neglect yourself by only focusing on him. There is a line, granted it can be hard to find. But above all, just enjoy your time with them. Those memories will be important throughout your life.

  8. The first time you get into a serious relationship, it will feel like the biggest and most important relationship ever… because it is, so far. I promise you, it won’t be the biggest and most important relationship of your life. Everyone has gone through it. Have fun, enjoy yourself, learn, and don’t get too serious too quickly.

  9. This is when peer pressure will test you the most

    If you’re going to be your own person as an adult, take that peer pressure and ram it back down the throat of anyone pushing you to do anything. Time is not an issue for you

    Most girls your age do x because everyone else is doing it (or they pretend they are).

    Don’t be a sheep

  10. Don’t go out with older guys as they’ll manipulate you without you knowing it.

    Assume all guys your own age are stupid morons (I know I was) and that will explain a lot things they do.

    Have fun.

  11. Don’t do anything you don’t want to. Don’t let anyone sham you for anything. You do you, mistakes happen, that’s how we all learn.

  12. You need to set boundaries and verbalize exactly what you are okay with and not okay with. Be specific, no hinting. This includes all aspects of life, not just intimacy.
    If a partner doesn’t respect those boundaries, no matter how much you like/care/love them, you need to walk away. This is the only way you can protect yourself from the entire spectrum of being takilen advantage of, from your emotional well being to your physical body. Never allow a person to shack your self preservation. For ever selfish pos there are good honest kind partners out there.
    Also, if you are on birth control never tell a partner. They need to wear a condom. Children aren’t the obeying you can get from someone else that you can never get rid of. Speaking of that: you should ask every new partner for a recent STD test and get tested yourself regularly while sexually active. Show them yours too.

  13. Enjoy it while it lasts. It literally only gets worse. You will never feel the highs of a first relationship again. Always look at things from an outside perspective and be honest. Good luck

  14. Both of you have the right to say that something isn’t acceptable. You’re new, and you didn’t say whether your partner is too. But if anyone ever tries to say that something is normal, and therefore you should do it even if it makes you uncomfortable, they’re not being honest with you. Nobody your age knows the rules to relationships, and the truth is that rule #1 is always “you need the other person’s consent to do anything with them”.

  15. Don’t sacrifice your values. Don’t cave to any sort of pressure. Don’t ignore red flags. Have fun. Respect each other. Enjoy the bonding if it’s good. Ditch his ass if he doesn’t hold the door for you or walk you to your parents car at the end of a date. Put the phones down. And I’ll say it again for good measure…DONT SACRIFICE YOUR VALUES.

  16. This little bit of advice can be used in every part of life but especially in relationships. You get what you give, some examples are:

    You do not get respect, unless you give respect.

    You do not get love, unless you give love.

    If you give the minimum, you will get the minimum. This one works in relationships, employment, in just about everything in life, because if you give the maximum, you will get the maximum in many cases.

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