All my friends said they were imitated by me at first , and that were scared to even talk to me. And nowadays their friends also say the same thing: “I’m imitated by them”
I’m not certain why they’d say that because i never really did anything “scary”.

And when I’m with people i can talk and smile , i have the correct body posture too. So I’m not sure what is scary about me

  1. Are you a guy or girl? Assuming you’re not built like Bautista or gother than Marilyn Manson, or taller than Yao Ming, do you stand too close? Do you talk too loud? Do you have a bad case of RBF? Do you take fashion inspiration from Dylan and Eric?

    Honestly it’s very hard for strangers on the internet to answer this question without seeing you. Don’t dox yourself but maybe give us more to work with?

  2. You need to ask your friends who say those things to you. There’s no way Internet randos who have never met you can tell you the real reason

  3. We know nothing about you, and as such cannot make a proper assessment. I’ve got a few friends by whom I was first intimidated – some were gothy and punked out and had that Cool Kid vibe but were super zen and liked to hike and meditate, some were former sports teamers in highschool who it turned out were terribly shy and introverted. There were also some who threw me for a look – bookwormish people who were quiet and reserved and then I see them on stage at a concert making out with the vocalist and laughing their asses off.

    As has been said, consult your friends, and possibly your family about behavioural patterns you’ve exhibited – they will know you much better than we will, and will likely be able to discern what’s Intimidating. Cause for some people, holding a book looks like skateboarding a pipe looks like stone-cold-killer-face looks like rearing rescue dogs – the interpretation of the message matters just as much as the message itself.

  4. Someone in the comments already said this but I think it’s also because you might have that “resting face.” I deal with the same thing. People who get to know me down the road will find out I’m actually a sweet person but I walk around with a resting bxtch face without even realizing it. People are just judgmental so you can’t help being told you’re intimidating unless you find out what they specifically see as intimidating or in what way you carry yourself.

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