me 22M and my girlfriend 22F have sex maybe twice a week…. we take 30-45 minutes doing foreplay and she cums at least twice during that. then we move on to PIV and since we had foreplay I’d take 5 minutes to come but nah i can go 30-45 minutes stroking her nonstop…. most of the time i get tired but keep going cause I haven’t nutted yet…. she always goes on to orgasm 2 to 3 during the penetration. i dont take any performance inducing drugs nor do i drink alcohol or smoke weed…. im concerned and think there’s something wrong with me 😭. i really wish i was a minute man 😭. is there anything i can do to reduce how long i last ?

  1. So you jerk off a lot or watch a lot of porn? If so maybe cut that part out and see if it helps

  2. If it’s only happening during intercourse, it may not provide the amount of stimulus you need or it’s become an anxiety which is interfering.

    Google delayed ejaculation and delayed orgasm. See if it fits you. If so, see a physician.

  3. Have always been the same. Never has anyone really complained.
    Tough, if I really focus, I can orgasm much faster as well, but why would I want to do that? Long sex is just too good.

  4. Some medications can do that, antidepressant I was on made it hard to cum, grind away for hours. Off it back to normal

  5. This used to happen to me. When me and my girl first started having sex We could have it for hours. We have Been dating for 3 months now and now the sex only lasts for maybe 15 minutes so for me the more i was having sex with my partner and the less i was masturbating the quicker i can cum.

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