What was the last thing a woman did for you that was nice?

  1. Hmmm picked me up from my house when I was feeling down. We went to her place she bought me food we drank some alcohol and did the deed and slept while movies were playing. I really fucked it up pushing this one away boys.

  2. A friend let me borrow one of her workout accessories I was thinking about buying so I could try it out, and see if I liked it first, which was really nice of her ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, yesterday at the library a woman saw me walking up behind her towards the door and she held it open for me, which when it happened I realized that almost never happens haha usually women where I live anyway just walk in the door and don’t look behind them to check.

  3. Affectionate stuff aside, weโ€™re meeting my parents for dinner to celebrate my birthday on Thursday and itโ€™s supposed to be unseasonably warm. She was out shopping with a friend yesterday and tried on a dress that she thought I would like and was going to walk out in it before dinner as a surprise but it wasnโ€™t long enough, found it to be a super thoughtful gesture though.

  4. I was working from home yesterday and my wife had off for Presidents Day so when I sat and ate lunch in the kitchen, she sat with me even though she wasn’t eating. And she listened to me talk about the video game I was playing all day because work was slow as shit. She could’ve just watched TV.

  5. My wife had hot water bottles ready for me when I came home from work. I’d been doing emergency casualty care in, basically, a big freezer for several hours after and accident on a ship and was still chilled to the bone when I got home.

  6. Girl hugged me after seeing me. She’s very extrovert and I’m sure is like that with everybody, but it felt nice. Haven’t gotten a hug like that in a while.

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