Why does someone hate you even though you treat him well?

  1. Because they can, when I was growing up people like that could only be stopped by one thing…violence. As terrible as I know that sounds as sad as it is, it’s still true. People who have and did treat be badly even though I was walking on eggshells, did so because they knew I wouldn’t retaliate, and since I couldn’t do anything to hurt them, they had no reason to stop.

    When certain people see that they can abuse others and receive no harm from doing it they will keep on doing it because they know they can. You don’t always need to use violence to get them to stop mind you, in the business world for example if you want people who abuse others to stop you have to make them feel pain for doing it, usually by firing them or slapping them with a huge fine.

    Some people just enjoy abusing others because they know they can get away with it, I know, I’ve been in the Army for almost 20 years and during my first 5 alone I was treated horribly by people who out ranked me and therefore could get away with doing it.

  2. I always ask myself this question. I think, It’s all about chemistry. That’s why when something significant happens people will always be divided into two sides, depending on what chemistry they have between them. I mean, someone understands us from “half word”, someone always doesn’t believe you no matter how you good treat him

  3. Sometimes people just don’t like you.

    think about a coworker you dislike. Is there anything they could do to make you like them? Not really. You’d still dislike something about their personality

    It’s no offense. Sometimes we just don’t like other people for reasons we don’t know

  4. Maybe this makes me toxic but I’d just keep being nicer and nicer until they lost their shit.

  5. It’s been my experience that, sometimes, people will just dislike you. There’s no logical reason for it.

    Like anti-chemistry with someone. If you can like someone and get along with them for no real reason other than chemistry, then surely the opposite also applies?

  6. Some will say it’s projection. They see something in you that they hate about themselves. Some will say it’s jealousy. That they’re afraid you’re going to take something from them. Some will say it’s envy. They want what you already have, or to be what you already are. I think it might be a combination of these three. But I also think it’s not that simple. Doesn’t matter either way, now does it. Do you. Do better. Fuck em.

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