There is a post on the front page right now where OP talks about how he literally has autism and scares women with cold approaches.

Yet there are comments telling him to do cold appraoches.

Every goddamn day on here someone shows up to say “I’ve never had a friend in my life, when I talk to a woman I shit myself and then then they physically run away while screaming ‘help help’. I’m not doing anythign wrong. What do I do πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ ”

And I swear to god at least like a solid 40% of the comments are going to be

1. You should continue to cold approach you’re doing great

2. Cold approaches are the only way to meet women in you’re sitaution πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ keep cold approaching women

It’s like actually delusional that the commenters here think this is a good idea if you spend like 30 seconds read the post history of the people who ask for advice.

**None** of the people who are asking for advice can pull off a cold approach. Please stop sending socially disturbed men out into public to harass women.

1 comment
  1. I’m the commander in chief of the armies of socially disturbing men. We will not stop until every last woman is disturbed by an extremely nervous and shameful approach and soft spoken β€œhey”. brace yourself for our next assault on your local Starbucks and yoga gym

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