(33m)So been knowing this really cool girl for about 4 years (30f). I worked with her and we have stayed in touch. I started a very good job in the last few months and she was super excited and proud of me.

Months go by and our communication increased and try to plan on going out but just hasn’t happened. She would though ask for favors which required me to pull strings at my job (nothing illegal). They weren’t anything crazy.
I didn’t think much of it and she would start calling me darling, so I would say yes sweetie just flirting back and acknowledging. Since it was Vday I sent her a bouquet of pink flowers which are her favorite. Long story short, she wrote I’m sorry if I’m coming off as a lead on but you’re just a good friend. My response, No Doubt, appreciate the clarification. We haven’t talked since and I’ve created my barriers. I’m not mad but more like confused and was I used? Apologize for the long message and anyone who replies thank you!

1 comment
  1. Were these favours something that one would do for a friend? If not, is it apparently clear that it’s a big ask?

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