I want some opinions on breasts haha So I’ve gained and lost weight over the years, and my breasts have become larger than 38 DD and they have sagged a little over the years and body changes. I’m newly single after almost 7 years and I’m a bit self conscious about them and dating. So do men actually care what breasts look like?

  1. I’ve been told that most men don’t care as long as they get to see boobs. Buy I also think that due to the “pornification” of men, some men expect every woman to “naturally” look like they have DD freshly implanted breasts.
    I think it depends a lot on the age range of your target demographic.
    If it makes YOU feel super self conscious you can look into a lift. But don’t do it to please a potential mate that may or may not care. Plus, you’d be trading perk for scars, and there are always risks. Still worth looking into, though.

  2. Tbh. It really doesn’t matter. Some people are really into breast, some into ass.

    But other than those specific groups of people, to most common people it really doesn’t matter .

  3. It’s like anything else….there are probably a million different opinion. Me personally, I really don’t care too much, I keep my expectations in reality. Be real, be you and if some guy doesn’t like it….that’s on him.

  4. I have a preference for shape and size but it’s not a deal breaker and tbh I don’t really care if they weren’t to my preference. I’d rather find someone I clicked with on a more fundamental level, than how their boobs looked.

  5. In my country they say, every eyes have them self painter… But for me…smile on woman, girl is the most important

  6. I love all boobs except fake ones can’t speak for other men but fake breasts huge turn off for me.

  7. Depends on the specific guy.

    Different guys often have very different attraction dealbreakers, beauty standards and relationship preferences.

  8. It’s like dick size. Do women care? I would say no, not really, some do but it’s a small percentage. Guys have preference but the overall sentiment I think is that it doesn’t matter, if the guy likes you he likes you.

  9. They are like a plus, but aren’t the deal breaker. The person matters the most. Most of us also have insecurity about our body, we all understand how it feels.

  10. Yes but it is not a dealbreaker for most. I don’t have the prefered size for multiple men I met (A cup) and they still liked me and my boobs. Boobs are boobs and boobs are looking good. Also saying this as a bi woman.

  11. As a man, 38, I have dated all shapes and sizes – breasts and body types in general. I don’t really care. What matters is how healthy you are, first emotionally, then spiritually, then physically – in that order, for me. I want your body to be where it wants to be. As long as you are taking care of yourself – in that above order – I’ll be into the connection if there’s compatibility.

    (I’m happily in a four-month relationship at present – and I believe she 100% is my soulmate. FINALLY! It’s never too late to find your love! Much love to you as you get out there again to see if the universe is ready for you to find them! ❤️)

  12. A man that is interested in you is really not gonna care what your boobs look like. That’s coming from a 51 yo man.

  13. Boobs are like pizza… I LOVE pizza, and boobs… wait what was I saying? Got distracted thinking about pizza.

  14. Girl, it’s called aging and there is nothing wrong with that. You’re almost 30, no one should should expect you to have the same breasts as 20. Be gentle to yourself and try to love the body you have and hopefully you’ll find someone who appreciates you and your body.

  15. In my experience, no.

    I wear a 28I/30H. I’ve gained and lost weight – in my 30s now. They don’t look the same as they did at 20 (who’s do?). I have never once had a single complaint or negative comment.

    Sure some men like larger breasts, some men like smaller ones, but overall most men like breasts in general.

    So don’t sweat it 😉

  16. A lot of guys have breast preferences but I’ve never heard of guy reject someone over that. Most are happy if you have some.

  17. No I don’t care too much . Personality is more important. A nice body is more of a bonus. I’ve dated women of all body types.

  18. Yes and no. I’ve been with a girl who’s boobs that weren’t fundamentally perfect but I still really liked them and her. I’ve also been with a girl who’s boobs that weren’t perfect that I wasn’t really into. Overall I have a preference but there are always exceptions. In her case I’d rather not have my typical preference.

  19. Some do and some don’t. Sure people have preferences like anything but for most it’s not a deal breaker. I used to be very embarrassed about my breasts but the more I’ve talked to my partners they either never really thought about it or they just don’t care.

  20. Men have a preference, just like anyone has a preference. Anyone that tells you we like boobs cause horny probably doesn’t have much experience.

  21. I don’t care about how they look, as long as I could grab, suck, and anything like that during sex, I’m ok with it, but fake breast are a huge turn off for me

  22. It depends on the man. Not every man is the same. Some men like big bums, some done. Some men like big boobs, some don’t, etc.

    It’s an impossible question to answer as you can’t generalise a whole gender.

    Personally, I couldn’t care less what they look like… within reason. I mean, if they looked like two fried eggs on nails, it would be a turn off. But if they’re big, but just a wee bit saggy, I don’t think I’d care. I’m a boob man, so I like them big… real or fake.

  23. I have a preference for shape and size as im sure a lot of people do but it’s not a dealbreaker. For me the only dealbreaker is…fake breasts. Like, I feel like I just can’t work with that at all personally

  24. I have breast shape and size I prefer but it’s never a deal breaker and I’d never let me partner feel like they were less than if they weren’t my ideal set of breasts. I’m gonna love ‘em no what size and shape

  25. I mean, I do have an ideal preference,( B-C cup, and perky is nice) but honestly all boobs are great lol. I don’t know why they have such a magical effect on me lol.

    In the context of romantic relationships, any breasts are fine as long as
    1. I’m allowed to touch them 😂
    2. It’s obvious that she enjoys me touching them.idk why but if my partner doesn’t look like they are enjoying it I just kinda lose interest sometimes.

  26. Yes men have preferences. Size and shape matter, but you ask 100 different guys and you’re gonna get 100 different answers.

  27. Some might but not all. Most of the guys I’ve talked to said boobs are boobs, they don’t care what they look like they just like boobs.

  28. It’s better to have natural boobs but I’m not a man, so I can’t judge. They feel better to me. I used to feel self conscious about my boobs cause they were too big and sagged a bit cause of the heaviness. But I’ve grown to accept them.

  29. I don’t care as long as it’s not some botched plastic surgery job..

    I don’t include breast cancer survivors in the above statement.

  30. As long as the boobs are boobing we won’t care.
    And tip if the guy is bashing you because of how your boobs look just get up and walk away, he’s telling on himself.

  31. I got implants and experienced zero change in how I felt, men also don’t care. I’m actually getting an explant lol. If you ever get anything done, just get a lift. It won’t be for the man, it’s for you. They don’t care

  32. Probably about as much as women care what dicks look like/size they are. So, sure, a little. But it’s not the end of the world for the vast majority of guys if they aren’t “ideal”.

  33. I have DDD at my current weight but when I’m at my healthy range they’re still D/DD. One has always been slightly bigger than the other. After I breastfed my kid years ago they lost some fullness at the top, My ex use to use it to insult me. Thing is idc. I’ve had these for 26 years and they look just fine in my clothes and on my back. I will say that I notice men’s balls. Some are big, some small, some smooth, and most be wrinkled and hanging like Maxine’s in the comic.

  34. I’ve wondered this too as every woman I know has implants but me.. I’ve thought about it but I don’t have 10k to get them. So I hope my little boobies are ok?

  35. I can only speak for myself but as a young man yes. I cared about looks period of everything. But then I grew up and then I got old and I can honestly say I don’t care about such things anymore. I lost my wife to breast cancer 5 years ago this past Christmas and she had to have hers removed and all that was there was scars but those blue eyes still held me captive just like they had always done and all I cared about in those last days was for her to hang on just one more day. She tried and got tired. But anyway I’m sorry, young men do care, old men do not if they have truly matured into a man who sees beauty in the parts of a woman that are not physical. Her spirit, her wants and needs, and hopefully she hasn’t noticed the double D’s we’ve developed over the years. The pudging belly, the gray in our beards. A true love ❤️ is spiritual. Took me 50 years to realize that but once I did life was so much better and love was as close to pure as it can get. I were you I wouldn’t obsess over such things. The man that judges the physical is not the kind of man you’d be wanting anyway!!!

  36. Tbh if your boobs are huge they’re going to be slightly saggy.
    If you’re a mom they’re going to be a bit saggy. If you’ve lost weight, gained weight they’re going to get saggy.
    Most guys say they don’t like saggy breasts but at some degree your boobs aren’t going to look like they did in your teens and I think it’s weird that our body preferences are societal around pedophilia it’s rooted in it. Hairless, sagless, stretch mark less. Etc.. I have DDD and am 4’9 my boobs are slightly saggy but I think they’re hot AF I’m a plus sized woman and I really enjoy my body I think that’s why men do as well

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