So i had a chance of moving today but wasn’t sure if i was. i worked with my best friend last night and i was gonna tell her i was maybe moving so i could say bye to her just incase i didn’t see her again. at work i told her i needed to talk to her before i left however she then told me she had a fun night planned so i didn’t really wanna make her sad and it was unlikely i wasn’t gonna move anyway so on my way out she asked me “what were you gonna tell me” and i said “oh it’s nothing” then she said “cmon <me> just tell me” while laughing and i was like “it’s just stupid, i’ll tell you about it later” and she said “what’s it about? are you okay?” and again i said “i don’t know it’s not a big deal, really”

then she said “alright, can i have a hug” and i gave her a hug and said i love you and she said it back.

should i be worried about what all went down? I was kinda awkward when she kept asking and i kept just saying it was nothing. i just couldn’t really bring myself to say it. She’s probably gonna ask me about it again. i kinda just feel bad about the whole thing.

tldr m18

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