I dated a guy for about 2 months. He did everything for me, treated me like a princess, made a lot of compliments, told me how much he likes me….at first it was almost too much, but with time I’ve got used to it and felt safe. Everything was great until he started to have doubts.
I know he has trust-issues and a not so easy childhood.

Suddenly the feelings for me faded and he ended things. He is a quite honest person, so he didn’t wanna lie to me, that his feelings are as strong as before. I’m devastated.
How can a person fell in love so quick and then fade so fast??? Does anyone know?

We decided to stay friends after giving us both some time to detach…but I’m not sure if I can do this.

A part of me is hoping, he will come back, but I know, it would just lead to another heartbreak….

Did this happen to anyone of you before and how did you cope with this?

  1. Yes, this has happened to me before. In my case, it started VERY early, far earlier than he could have ever really known me to know he was as crazy about me as he said. Then the doubts came in when he started realizing I was a real person not the dream girl he created in his head. I thought I was doing something wrong and I wanted things to go back to how they were in the beginning.

    One thing that helped was to realize the lovebombing i felt in the beginning wasn’t about ME, it was the IDEA of me and how lovebombing me made HIM feel. It was very hard to move on after someone hooks you in like that, but it gets better with time.

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