Women often have an entire mafia of friends and family ready to tell them what they wanna hear. So I’m wondering, who do you discuss relationship stuff with?

  1. depends on the issue or magnitude. male or female friends and family. tbh if you have lesbian friends they are a literal gold mine

  2. I use to talk to my sister about it a little. Lately, I might get a piece of advice from friends.

    I think some women need to be more careful who they’re getting advice. Because, based off some of the questions in this subreddit, they are either intentionally misleading them or they are bad at giving good relationship advice.

  3. Much like a lot of things in life, men are usually left to figure it out themselves. What little advice I’ve gotten is irrelevant or out of date. When I was living with my so tonbe wife, we were 500 miles from home, without anybody around for any advice. By the time I moved closer to home, my father had died. I wasn’t taking relationship advice from my older brother. He was on his second divorce.

  4. We dont get advice, if we get to talk about it, it’s just venting about problems than getting advice

  5. Nobody, never have and most likely never will. The other day my girlfriend told me that she will occasionally talk things out with her friends, and that’s when it occurred to me that every problem we’ve ever had (thankfully nothing major) I’ve had to internalize and deal with myself. This is how it goes for the majority of men, which is why it’s not a subject I’d care to discuss with other men, because lots of men have proven that they are no better at dealing with relationships, because we’ve never had group support or healthy examples/role models to look up to.

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