When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it, and how did it make you feel?

  1. I panned for gold this past weekend, which I had never done before. It was rather fun, and I even got a few little gold flakes to keep.

  2. I tried eating baked fish for the first time last weekend. I felt regret, because I hated it.

  3. I threw up while having explosive diarrhea for the first time a few months ago. I felt awful.

  4. I‘ve been growing a cannabis plant for the first time and it’s also the first time I’ve had a plant not die on me!!! It’s already flowering and I even painted the pot myself (pink hearts all over). I feel really proud and excited for harvest! I’m going to bake brownies with them and give to friends and family boasting about how I grew the 🍃 myself! Going to make it a yearly thing now.

  5. I recently had aubergine for the first time. It also happened to be the last time, because what the fuck

  6. Tried rock climbing for the first time recently and it was scary and intimidating at first but ended up being SO fun and I was so sad I let my fear of trying new things stop me from trying it sooner

  7. Great question!

    Yoga. Mindfulness. Some kink. Home ownership!

    I always feel so great after trying new things even if I hate them or am terrible at them.

  8. Trying new things is usually really fun for me, so I do it a lot. Just four days ago I made from scratch brownies rather than box brownies, and god DAMN were they really good and gooey and rich. Yesterday I layered a sweater, dress, tights combo in a style I saw on TikTok, and I think it’s really cute and will probably do it again. Tomorrow, maybe I’ll try a new eyeliner style for funzies that probably won’t work well, but I’ll still give it a go. This weekend I might watch felt art videos because I have an idea I’d like to try for a friend’s nursery and I want to see how feasible it’d be for me to make it myself.

    Routines are nice, but I love the feeling that I’m learning new skills or growing as a person and understanding myself better. Imo, little “new” things like trying new recipes or different ways to dress are simple and inexpensive ways to keep the spice of life.

  9. I just wrote first chapter of my dissertation. I feel dumber than before, like, it sucked out all of my brain cells and vocabulary.

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