title says it, i have no game whatsoever and i either try too hard or not try at all. sometimes i ask the girl a lot of questions as if they’re a captured cartel member, and it turns the off, obviously. i don’t know how to subtly flirt and i’ve almost given up, i can’t even count how many girls have thought i was cute until they started talking to me.

it’s even worse over text, i’m so dry and the girl and i have nothing to go off of, so i normally end the conversation upset that this happened yet again.

what do i even do?

  1. How old are you? You can’t give up yet, let’s be serious. Very soon you will be looking back at losing over 20 girls and you will be thinking ok, so it took me 48 girls but I finally found the right one.

    Life is a marathon, not a sprint. You will get there. Have some fun along the way and go easy on yourself. Life is good.

  2. You don’t have to have game. You just need to be real. Being real doesn’t mean spilling your guts out when you like someone… being real means being honest enough with yourself to go after the things you really want.

  3. Just keep trying, eventually you will both learn how to flirt and also build a tolerance to rejection.

    A big thing I learnt recently is that people are far more aware of what you might actually be thinking or feeling. And this is a two way street.

    Don’t forget that while you have your goals when meeting people, so do they. It’s about the flow of your conversation not so much what you actually say.

    If you look back on all of your past rejections/failures what do you remember being the most significant thing?

    A trick I use is to focus each interaction to just be a pleasant experience (until your confident you can seal the deal), don’t aim to get a number or anything other than you both walk away feeling happy with what happened. If that doesn’t work out just adjust slightly and try again.

    It’s also not that long of a journey of you say work in hospitality. Goodluck!

  4. Get yourself a female friend/ sister. Practice “how to chat up a girl” and even how and what to text a girl.

  5. you definitely going to succeed one time, going by the frequent of your age and quantity of women youre talking, you will make it but always remember not to rush things and just enjoy every conversation.

  6. You just need to secure the bag don’t try to get to know them just try to get in their pants and if they let you you are set

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