I apologize if this does not belong here, I just quickly googled “am I overthinking reddit” and this is one of the first subreddits that appeared that kinda seemed like a place to ask this question.


Basically I was in a group voice chat with a couple of friends and this was my 2nd time ever joining their gaming chat as I just very recently bought a console.


Not having recognized everyones voice in the chat, I asked who was all in the chat, one of them mentioned their names and I said he sounded like another friend of ours, that we are all friends with, that was not in the chat.


Everyone lost their minds and was like in genuine shock, laughing and saying wtf and reacting in this way. Like I did something horrible. And I was like jeez I didn’t realize asking that was going to cause such a big reaction. They all besides one of them left the chat shortly after (they mentioned they were all about to dip before I asked that question). The one that stayed on said haha I thought it was funny, I think everyone was just piling on.


All these guys are also in a text group chat together. I am not in it which makes total sense since I just recently started playing online and they’ve been doing it for literally years. One of my really good friends in that chat that was not gaming online texted me, “dude what did you say about this guy.”


Like now all these guys are even texted about what I said. I asked him to send me screenshots and he said its really nothing, just said something vague, and that they are just saying I took a shot at that one kid. He wouldn’t just send me a screenshot of what was said so part of me thinks they are actually kinda saying some bad things and my friends wants to protect me and not show what is being said about me.


So I guess my question is – is it bad to say someone sounds like someone else? Is that some sort of social thing that is in general bad to say and I just had no idea? I was not at all expecting the reaction I got. Maybe in the text chat they are all just saying it jokingly, and my friend wouldn’t send the screenshot because it really was nothing to really talk about – they just mentioned I said this online, talked about it briefly as a funny thing in a text chat and that’s that.


As I type this I kinda am realizing maybe I am overthinking this, but I am not sure. What do you guys think? Again, apologies if this does not belong here.

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