What do you hate the most about reddit?

  1. No one uses the upvotes/downvotes properly. It’s not an “I agree” button, it’s a “does this contribute to the discussion?” button.

    Especially when blatantly wrong comments are highly upvoted. It’s especially noticeable when a topic comes up that you’re an expert, or highly knowledgeable on.

  2. Echo chambers, reinforced by power tripping admins and mods. Almost all of the default subs are unusable.

  3. You can get your comment deleted and be banned from subs just for asking questions, if those questions don’t blindly adhere to leftist narratives. I’m a lifelong liberal who has a lot of questions for the modern left, but apparently that’s not allowed here.

    Recently someone claimed the BBC is a propaganda arm of the UK’s Conservative party and I asked them why, since the most common accusation of the BBC is that it’s biased to the left. My comment was deleted and I was banned without explanation.

    And that’s just one example of the ridiculous bias here and the hatred that Reddit seems to have for open discussion. What makes it even more infuriating is those morons call the other guys authoritarians.

  4. Mostly the users. Especially those that had to expand from twitter because they don’t get enough positive attention for the negative behavior. It’s worst in subs that attract/promote that hive mindset of judging others, or the ones that are so blatantly biased that they refuse to let any dissenting opinion slide.

  5. The insane amount of power tripping Admins who block people left right and centre was for expression valid opinion based on reason and facts.

  6. All the rampant America Bad^TM bullshit. No matter what the topic is, somebody is going to make a school shooting joke or some other such nonsense like murdered kids is funny.

  7. The overwhelming agenda

    The vacuum chambers

    People not understanding your post because they mix up their feelings with your ideas and shit on you for their lack of understanding

    How you can’t respectfully critique or question the main idea of a subreddit without being downvoted to hell


    Deleting subreddits because they are arbitrarily seen as “harmful” which goes against the overwhelming agenda

    I feel like Reddit is the best example of people being brave on the internet but scared in real life.

  8. just find it hard to navigate/find good threads. most of them are labelled strange or maybe i’m just a knob.

  9. Too many rules, not being able to post what I want without my post being removed. Power tripping admins. Errors.

  10. For some people it just becomes an echo chamber of confirmation bias. It’s an easy place for some truly awful viewpoints to fester.

  11. The user base. 10/12 years ago it was nerdy tech people slacking off at work. The humor was cheesy, yet fun and posts and responses were more meaningful. Now it’s mostly whiny, self centered 20-year-olds who take no responsibility for themselves or their lives.

  12. Mob tunnel vision mentality. Once one person decides that **”OP you are a victim”**, it’s basically a free for all. Any disagreeable comments get shot down and insulted.

    Also….most people here just assume that everyone speaks from an American point of view. The culture, lifestyle and even the law is universally American.

  13. Hate free and polite opinions getting downvoted by people because they don’t want to hear it.

  14. Censorship. Every interesting important thread is locked by the time I see it.

    Those are exactly the discussion we all need to be having with each other. There are some very serious issues that we need to work out and Reddit could be a great forum to do that but Reddit is determined to not let those conversations happen.

  15. How inconsiderate some people are. For example, some religious couples go on r/sex to get tips on how to make their sex life better but then get called brainwashed and idiots because they waited till marriage or aren’t willing to do certain acts. Not to mention how many echo chambers there are. That’s why I limit my time on Reddit.

  16. Mods definitely the mods

    Power tripping egotistical cunts

    But not the ones here, they are really nice people 🙂

  17. Comments and posts getting deleted. Let people get downvoted to oblivion for the stupid shit they say. And only let them edit if their comment is positive.

  18. This ridiculous irrational fear and obsession with generalizations. The fact of the matter is that in most cases this or that is true and it’s just easier to type a generalized statement. And when you do, the Reddit mafia comes out in full force.

  19. How it refreshes content when you don’t want it to (e.g., exiting the app, scrolling up to the top) and there’s no way to go back to the prior view. It’s just a way to keep you addicted and fixated on your screen.

  20. I have noticed an alarming number of locked threads and people complaining about nonsensical bans the last few weeks.

    Reddit used to be a place where we could have discussions and disagree, even if it did get a little heated.

    I can see why they are doing this, but I feel this is a very slippery slope.

    I feel like they are about to take away the “dislike” button, because that’s just like too toxic and you might hurt someone’s feelings.

  21. I’d say people looking for victimhood and comparing theirs to others. I’m guilty of this on here from time to time myself, and I have to remind myself it’s bullshit behaviour. It’s the worst in places like askmen and askwomen/askwomennocensor. But even you go places like childfree and they’re bringing in their victimhood and playing their violins there too with all this gender shit, it’s just nonsense and not helpful to anyone

  22. The bias and witch hunts, I’m a knitter and post my thing on sites other then reddit I’ve never posted them on reddit cause simple being involved in other sites could get me banned here

  23. Pervasive negative snarkiness

    Everyone is a know it all

    En vogue opinions are supported with religious zealotry

    So, the internet basically

  24. moderators.

    I honestly cannot imagine a lamer thing to do with your time. You dont get paid so what? you just volunteer hours of your life to being the content sherif of a web page? every reddit mod should feel embarrassed honestly.

  25. The ACTUALLY guys.
    Either have a strong alternate opinion or can see they’re getting a hard on when correcting and talking down to others.

    Bonus points: if they start the reply with Nope.

  26. Subreddits that are intended for seeking advice are full of people with little life experience.

  27. I hate how people act differently on here, as opposed to how they would in real life because they can hide behind the privacy of their screen

  28. r/relationshipadvice is just an echo chamber of people looking for any reason to bash Men and breakup perfectly fine relationships

  29. Everyone loves making assumptions then everyone just builds on them and all of a sudden there’s a story that never actually happened that makes you an asshole

  30. Nothing. It’s a free site and no one owes anyone anything. Hating something requires an energy investment and it’s honestly not worth it.

    If someone is making you furious, curse them in your mind if you must and move on. In my opinion that is better than fixating so much on someone you don’t even know that could be on the other side of the world for all you know.

    (If that person or you are willing to learn something new though, then that’s a different story)

  31. “Just wanted to add a quick update to my post. WOAH! I did not expect this to blow up over night. I cant believe this hit 1.5K updoots, and thanks for all the awards kind internet strangers! To all the people who sent me thoughtful DM’s – you guys made my day! To the redditors who said rude things to me – yall need jesus! I cant believe all the comments I got and helpful advice, I tried responding but there were too many, so if you didnt hear from me I’ll get back to you later 😃 Anyway, on to the update:

    I decided to end things with my partner 😞”

    I absolutely despise peoples “I’d like to thank the academy” speeches. Id rather waste a year of my life in prison than 15sec reading that horseshit.

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