Went out with some people to get some food and initially only me and one person ordered something. While the other three said either they didn’t want anything, they were broke, or they didn’t like food like this (mind you this person, along with the person who said they didn’t want anything, came along last minute after we had already made plans)

Then the person who said they didn’t want anything eventually ended up ordering something while the other two just sat there drinking water.

Later in the meal one of the people who was not eating remarked that they felt like the waiters were trying to get us to leave and connected it to race), however after talking about the situation with a third party after coming back home, the third party said it might’ve been because there were people at the table getting service (water, the ambiance, the outdoor heating, seating) without paying. What do you guys think?

  1. Yes, that’s rude. The waiters aren’t getting tips when no one is ordering anything.

  2. If the section was full or the restaurant was trying to close, it’s rude. If not, the server’s being a dick. You could have hung out at home and they’d get no tips

  3. If the restaurant is busy it’s a bit rude. They possibly could have provided the 5 person table to another group of guests and had to send them away. It’s frustrating but ultimately unless they state this up front they should still behalve amicably

    That being said if it wasn’t busy I think the waiter is being rude. Tips aside the waiter doesn’t need to serve the people not ordering so it’s not as if they have to do extra work. If they behaved more hospitable it would probably get them a larger tip

  4. I used to be a waiter. If it’s busy and you’ve been there for awhile.. you should try to wrap things up. The not ordering thing is whatever.. just be nice to your server and respectful of their time.

  5. Race has nothing to do with it. Most servers want you to eat your food and leave so that they can get another person in their section and make more money…more tables equal more money.

  6. If it happened once or twice it’s okay. If they’re always like that I wouldn’t invite them out. Servers can complain all they want to, you don’t really have to listen to them

  7. Going to a restaurant and not getting anything? Not even a drink? What’s the matter with you guys

  8. Eh. At least your friends made the effort to come and spend time together even if they didn’t order. It’s weird not to order a coffee at least, but as you get older it seems harder and harder to meet up with friends. They always make excuses. Enjoy it while it lasts, let them sip water.

  9. This is why most people discuss beforehand where they want to go and if they can afford to do so, then come to a mutual agreement on where to go and everyone is happy.

  10. That’s embarrassing ! They should’ve let u known beforehand so y’all could’ve met at Starbucks or something…. Who goes to a restaurant and not order ANYTHING.

  11. I work at a restaurant and it’s a bit rude to take up space if you’re not going to order anything. The only exception is if your party ends up tipping the server as if everyone in the party did order something.

  12. I’m a server and I don’t think so lol. Less food to bring out so smaller tip. I as a server don’t know why my guests aren’t eating and it’s not my business. Maybe it’s medical maybe it’s religious or a food allergy thing. I wouldn’t mind. And everyone else saying the server gets a smaller tip well duh it’s less work cause less food. It sucks that you took up a five top but at the end of the day the restaurant made money so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  13. I would be really annoyed as a server if 3/5 didn’t order. Even though you didn’t order, all 5 are still counted in my guest count. They try to make each server have an even guest count. So I just missed out on 3 paying guests. Also it ruins my sales average.

  14. Yes. At least order a drink and an appetizer or dessert. Otherwise you just seem weird/broke.

  15. It could be both. It is a bit rude to sit at a table without ordering but also that they judge you more harshly than if a white person did that?

  16. Yeah, it is rude. Even if its not busy yet, tables are sat rotationally between servers and if two servers are on and one gets a group of five then the next larger group will go to the other server or two smaller tables to balance out the guest count. So the server is losing money when three out of five people order nothing.

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