For me it’d either be some kind of Wolf sanctuary/conservation work or opening a medieval/fantasy themed Inn that only supplies local brews instead of mass produced pisswater

  1. I’d start a brewery that only serves varying barrel aged stouts and barleywines and make it super remote like one of those restaurants on Chef’s Table lol

  2. When I retire, I’m going to fuck off to my woodshop, build what I want, and sell it for what I can get. Doubt I’ll get rich, but I’ll enjoy every second of it.

  3. I’d buy and rehabilitate old residential buildings in my city to bring them up to modern standards for comfort, safety, and efficiency. Then I’d put the tenants on lease-to-own schedules for their units, just enough to cover costs and keep the project going. Ideally I’d help a bunch of people build generational financial stability.

  4. I would have an animal cafe probably in Thailand themed towards rehabilitating/neuter/spay and ultimately adoption

    That would be a good life

  5. I’d like to open an auto garage for running clinics on car care, maintenance, and modifications. Somewhere where everyone from drivers Ed students to amateur racers could come learn and work on their vehicles.

    Stock it with tools, rent out bays for people to do their own work, have some mechanics on site to assist with knowledge or use of more specialized tools and oversee safety.

  6. Make indy films 100%. Find some passionate people, make some low budget, creative movies, and enter them into festivals.

  7. Id buy land and plant a bunch of veggies and fruits and buy some hens and maybe some cows. Then id hire young adults who aged out of foster care and have them work for good pay and have them live on site in their own mini house. Id then donate the food to local people/families in need. Id then take in donations and also donate to animal rescues and schools.

  8. Some kind of large eco project. Maybe restore some land and grow food. It would be really fun to have some kind of wetland or natural water filter on site

  9. I want to create a think tank. I know a couple of people who have the potential to change the world and advance their particular fields, but they are burdened by having to work to survive or do dumb shit to get funding.

    I want to take away all their financial issues and give them the freedom to devote their everything to their interests.

  10. Fund the IRS so they can actually do their job. Lobby for US citizens as a whole rather than the fucks at the top.

  11. I’d start running “luxury” services at reasonable prices in disaster zones. Trucks with fresh meat, cold beer, hot showers, and some commodities. Drive around like an ice cream truck

  12. I’d deliver flowers on my bicycle. A few years ago, reeling from a couple of stress-induced burnouts, I spotted an ad by my local florist looking for delivery people so decided to give it a go over the summer.

    It was one of the best jobs I’ve ever had, just pootling around London on my bike delivering flowers. I know nothing about flowers other than they smell great and there isn’t a single person on the planet that doesn’t absolutely love receiving them. I had a basked on my bike filled with bouquets and everyone would smile at me. Was like delivering joy.

    The money was awful though

  13. I’d love to work in the gaming industry, see the ins and outs of it, maybe attempt to design my own game at some point.

  14. Buy a small plot of good agricultural land and get all the equipment required, gift it to dad. He’s worked his ass off sailing the globe since his teens. He’s always wanted a small piece of land to farm.

  15. I would open a music venue/bar in hopes to help breathe some life into the local music scene that is a shell of what it once was.

    It would definitely lose money, which is why so many other local music venues have shut down.

  16. Race cars or start a race team geared towards boys and girls who have talent but no money or sponsors.

  17. I would buy up every possible bit of land in my area, and get it set to wildlife preserve. I’d rather have that than more developments pop up that we don’t have the infrastructure to support.

  18. I’d start a douche-free travel channel for mass market tourists. Most people who travel aren’t looking for the hottest restaurants and the perfect insta spots. They just want to have the experience, relax a bit, and keep their fucking kids from ruining things. And hardly any travel writer or influencer caters to them.

    You’re a dumb American who wants to visit the Eiffel Tower? Cool. Here are three cheap hotels where English is spoken, a video on how to use the Metro from buying a ticket to getting through the turnstile, tricks to avoid the huge crowds, cool things you can find for souvenirs which aren’t plastic and made in China, and a place to eat with food your kids will not refuse.

    There is a place for mass tourism. Without it, every city gets overrun by Airbnb’s, every great neighborhood, park, and beach gets trampled, and local secrets become inaccessible to the locals.

  19. i would go to every auction in my area and out bid every dick faced famer that wats to turn the land into farm land. I would turn the land into my own personal wilderness.

  20. I always wanted to develop a process whereby y could just dump rubbish in one end and have it broken down by various methods into the most basic or uasable components. Like recycling, but all automated and detailed so that the end result is perfectly useable goods.

  21. I have a book of inventions that i could not finish yet. I’d speed up the developement on those.

  22. I’d buy Marineland in Niagara Falls and turn it into an actual theme park and tourist destination.
    Obviously, I’d have the remaining animals sent to proper sanctuaries first. I’d change the name so there’s no connection to the past and the animal abuses documented there, and start from there.
    The park is already on a good sized chunk of land with barely any rides or development so it is essentially a blank canvas for my imagination.

  23. Oh if I had like fuck you Elon Musk kind of money…… I would build a new school somewhere that could rival MIT.

    But it’s free. As long as you can get accepted. There is no tuition or lab fees.

    You can’t buy or influence your way in, only truly exceptional students could get in.

    I would also try and restructure the curriculum to better prepare these students for the actual work place as well. So that when they graduate they already have an internship and some experience on their resume.

  24. I would move to another country and open up an English language school specializing in conversational English. Especially in Asia. Those kids learn English for up to 8 years but because their teachers have failed them by forcing them to learn useless grammar, vocabulary, and neglecting pronunciation and speaking practice, they can’t hold a conversation.

    Unless I find some way to truly stand out i doubt I would make a lot of money tho. But I love learning languages and I’m always looking for the best ways to become fluent. So being able to share what I learned would be a dream

  25. I’d donate money to cancer research that deals with immunotherapy, specifically CAR T. It saved my life when I had lymphoma.

  26. I would devote a couple years out of my life to write a novel, without having to work I would have a lot more time on my hands to concentrate on writing.

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