So me and my girlfriend are in a relationship for a couple of months, at first I could last longer and sex was really good. In the last 2 weeks, for the life of me I cannot last more then a minute or two. I manage to satisfy her before penetration but still I don’t feel good about myself, I feel like I’m letting her down. Is it just a phase that happens to everyone from time to time or should I start doing something about it?

  1. Most of the girls finds it hot if guy cums in one or two minutes ;D.

    If you satisfy your partner, then there is nothing wrong with you finishing in one minute I think. You can definitely find ways to last longer if you really want to. Good luck!

  2. It can be just a phase.. Continue to satisfy her first.. Also, try to have sex more frequently.. Like more than once a day.. That might help slow you down..

  3. Search stop and squeeze technique… with practise you will be able to last a long time .
    Also you can masturbate half an hour before you have sex.

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