Connected via speeddating on Friday. She was the only attractive woman there & the only one to show an interest in me.
First date the following Friday. Conversation went unusually well. We had a few interests in common. (We disagree about Journey, but I kept my mouth shut.) Many of her questions were a match for my (slightly esoteric) body of knowledge. I paid for dinner. Afterwards, we had beers at a pub & she volunteered to pay. Thought things went very well!Left a voice message Saturday afternoon.
Acknowledged via text Monday morning. Mentioned a busy schedule & we can touch base next week when she’s back from a business trip.
How should I see this? Good signal? Bad? Neutral ?

  1. She’s away on business, let her focus on that. Do a follow up next week and see where it’s at.

    I personally think you’re being tested/screened. So try not to get up in your head about it.

  2. Wait a couple of days after she’s returned to message and schedule a date. At this point, neutral, could go either way.

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