so i been talking to this girl and shes been giving me hints to link up but last time i linked up with a girl 2 times i lost a erection. how can i prevent this as i have bad anxiety which fucks me over in the moment.

  1. My suggestion would be to go completely the opposite way. Tell her what happened last time and tell her that it might happen again and, if she still wants to play around, aim to do other stuff, so lots of oral, fingers and maybe get some toys to play with.

    I mean lesbians have totally awesome sex sessions without a penis ever being involved.

    If you do that then all the pressure is off, you can just enjoy the time without worrying about what your dick will do. If it gets hard, great, if not, no problem.

    What makes sex hot and enjoyable is communication, eroticism, relaxation and safety. Focus on getting those to a high level and that’s a good package.

  2. It’s anxiety, as you know.

    You need to feel totally at ease and comfortable with the girl. So communicate about the issue, take your time and do so with some understanding who’s willing to go slow with no pressure.

  3. Be honest with your partner and tell them how you feel. If they aren’t understanding then they aren’t for you bro

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