I keep catching my self get annoyed by how people around me handle situations. Its anything. I want them to be just like me. In return it makes me want to correct them. Wth is wrong with me.

  1. Reflect on your behavior: Take some time to reflect on your actions and thoughts. Consider what might be driving your need to control others. Is it a fear of failure, a lack of trust in others, or a need for perfection? Understanding the root of the behavior can help you begin to address it.

  2. you should definitely develop your communication skills and adapt healthy habits like mediation

    you’ll see instant benefits in your state of mind, good luck

  3. Ask yourself why you want to control the situation. Is it because you’re afraid of the unexpected? You have to take a minute when you’re having these feelings and always ask yourself the true motivation behind these urges. Realize that many things are always going to be beyond your control and things that are aren’t always a threat. Accept that only you can control how you respond, and act accordingly. Think of the consequences long and short of your actions then make a better informed less impulsive decision.

  4. Is it possible that you see others as an extension of yourself? Maybe try to respect their individuality and the right to live the way they want (as long as it isn’t hurting anybody else) will help you free yourself from your entanglement with them.

  5. The way I see it, you’re putting yourself in their situations. Don’t do that. Instead, understand them and have a little more empathy. Recognize that you don’t always know everything, therefore, don’t always have the right answer. They may have handled the situation differently than how you would, simply because (1) you don’t know the entire situation and (2) they’re not you. Once you accept those facts, it becomes way easier for you to not be annoyed at other people’s supposedly-stupid decisions. You’ve made some dumb decisions yourself, I’m sure! We all have. 🙂 Instead of correcting them, listen to them. Instead of telling them off, acknowledge that there are some things you’ll never fully understand.

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