Needed some advice for 33M looking to date and hardships I’m having regarding dating. I have a hard time finding any. I always been a bit of shy type and never been the guy that had girls lining up for me to date. It’s bothering me because its been 4 years since my last actual date. I’m in this rut. I tried online dating but unfortunately I’m not attractive enough for it to be fruitful since it’s mainly based on looks. So how do I go about meeting women or people in general? Bars , clubs are not really my scene since it’s a very superficial setting. I’m not saying I’m hideous but I deal with plight of being just an average guy. Live by myself, work full time but I’m ready to find time to invest in meeting potential partners. Any advice would be great

1 comment
  1. Dating apps are really difficult to make work, women are inundated with options and if your profile isn’t in the top tier gaining interest and effort can be hard.

    Meetups, joining clubs/groups that align with your interests and hobbies can help. Do you enjoy fitness? Eg; gyms or hiking/walking groups can help.

    Going out with mates to events, concerts, live bands etc.

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