Any advice out there from the men and women of reddit on how to get into all these dating apps and stuff, I’ve been trying, with little to no luck. Maybe some advice on making a profile? Or which apps to use? Anything really.

  1. Advice, if your female….don’t settle for trash. Put your eggs in multiple baskets and don’t go exclusive unless a guys is 100% serious about wanting to date you.

    Male, don’t get discouraged. You’re fighting a 10/1 battle. Don’t be overly picky, have standards but not unrealistic ones. Don’t be a dick, don’t send your dick, comment on their interests not their looks

  2. Depends, are you a man looking to date women? Then you will probably get little to no results it’s normal.

    >with little to no luck.

    This is typical in that scenario.

    If you are not in the “man wanting to date women” category then this could indicate a profile issue, shadow ban, etc… as you should be overwhelmed with options (whether you like those options or not is another story).

  3. First off, don’t be intimidated by the world of dating apps. They can be a great way to meet new people and expand your horizons.

    When it comes to making a profile, be honest and authentic. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, and don’t rely on gimmicks or cheesy pickup lines. Instead, focus on showcasing your personality and what makes you unique.

    As for which apps to use, it depends on what you’re looking for. Do your research and find apps that cater to your interests and preferences.

    Most importantly, don’t get discouraged if you don’t find someone right away. Dating is a numbers game, and it takes time and effort to find the right person. Keep trying, keep putting yourself out there, and don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.

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