And if they showed effort that they were willing to change… Would you take them back?

  1. Nope. If anyone breaks up with me, it’s permanent. I don’t give second chances. Way I see it, someone either absolutely wants me, or they don’t. I won’t settle for ‘maybe’ or ‘sometimes.’

  2. Baring an extreme life experiance, people generally don’t change. He’s just following the path of least resistance. Notice you say he’s promising to change, you aren’t saying he’s changed. He’s that same guy. Do you want to replay that break up again?

  3. Hell nah. You get ONE chance. Fuck up, and it’s YOUR fault. I do not care how much you changed.

  4. No chance. He’ll continue to dump and return, dump and return, dump and return. He’s not going to change. He’s just doing what he does.

  5. I was best friends with the guy and we had way too much chemistry to remain friends but we were fundamentally incompatible in a relationship. We just wanted different things even though we loved each other.

    When we were both single, we kept thinking “oh, we can just be best friends again!” and we were always incorrect. Sometimes we would want to remain friends when one of us got a partner, but our communication would always fizzle out because it wasn’t fair to our current partners. He was the one that put his foot down because he found someone he could start a life with. I saw her once in person, a huge coincidence because we were both traveling, and we pretended not to have seen each other. Sometimes we’ll comment on each other’s instagram stories if there’s some life event or cool topic once of us shared, but it’s never to really reconnect. I miss the friendship, but I’m really happy that we both found someone amazing. He’s married to her now, and I wish them both the best 🙂

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