Go Texans Day is the annual kick off the Houston Live Stock and Rodeo. Kids are encouraged to dressed up in Western ware and celebrate Texas heritage at school. The event includes the annual trail rides where thousands of cowboys ride into town converging at the rodeo.

So what are your city or town’s local holidays that are exclusive to your locality?

  1. Rhode Island and Hawaii are the last two states that celebrate VJ Day (victory over Japan).

    Rhode Island renamed it Victory Day during a streak of political correctness that also got the state renamed. There was also a lot of kerfuffle over Columbus Day but I think it didn’t officially get renamed, can’t recall.

    No one really celebrated it in any way in the years I was in RI but state offices had a holiday.

    My buddy’s town is celebrating the 400th year since it’s founding. 1623. The Mayflower came in 1620 so that gives you a sense of how old that is by American standards. It’s not a recurring festival but they have a lot of stuff planned for this spring summer and fall.

  2. Boston celebrates Evacuation Day, which commemorates the day that British troops evacuated the city at the end of the Siege of Boston early in the Revolution.

    Also, it’s totally a coincidence that it just so happens to fall on the same date as St Patrick’s Day. Absolutely no connection between the two events.

  3. Technically every day is Billy Joel Day on Long Island.

    I’m not even a particularly big fan but have seen him in concert about a dozen times now.

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