I have to get this off my chest. So the backstory on this is, my buddies and I went on a trip to New Orleans to attend a concert in the area. Of course while at the concert I ask one of my buddies to take a picture of me in front of the venue we were at. Well, that’s where the issue arose, my friends trying to be good friends were checking the quality of photos they took. As they were scrolling, they stumbled upon pictures of my gfs naked tits as I have plenty of those photos saved in my phone, for times I’m on the road or away from her and I need some TLC to put it simply. Unfortunately, this situation happened before 3 years prior to which when I told my gf she was upset with my friends. Thinking I’d get the same reaction from her 3 years later to my surprise when I discussed how My friends accidentally saw her pictures again, all she said was “oh well, it’s not the first time so it’s fine”. So now I’m wondering How do we get past this? Why would she say that? What does this mean, why would my Gf be fine with my friends seeing her tits?

  1. Because they are just breasts. I’m sure your friend has seen his fair share before. Without more, they are just one additional set.

    What is there you want to get past?

  2. Why is this a problem? If she is unbothered just let it go. She is probably just more mature now and understands that accidents happen. If you keep talking about it it’s probably just going to make the situation more awkward for everyone.

  3. I would not be sharing the photos around but as we get older we give less fucks about what others know or seen of us.

    I would not worry, she is probably just comfortable with her body and does not care what others think.

  4. It seems they already saw them. I understand what you’re saying. She clearly has grown three years older than less concerned about it.

  5. i honestly dont understand why would you *want* her to be upset? youre the one who fucked up and showed him the picture.

    if it matters so much to you why not keep your private photos in a separate folder, to avoid making the mistake *again*

    either way, she clearly doesnt care about his opinion of her body, but does care enough about you enjoying her body to forgive you for being careless af

  6. Why should she care or be ashamed about someone seeing one of her body parts? Would you be freaking out if your friends saw a picture of her elbow???

    What is there to “get past”???

  7. Why should she have to hide her upper body from people? Men don’t have to. They are just breasts, not secret weapons,

  8. > “oh well, it’s not the first time so it’s fine”

    > Unfortunately, this situation happened before 3 years prior

    > Why would she say that?

    Why would she state an obvious fact?? I wouldn’t expect her to get mad at the friends again; it’s not like they can unsee after the first time, when she *was* annoyed. If anything she should be mad at you for failing to adequately protect her privacy TWICE now.

    She’s grown up and gotten over old news. If *you* have a problem with it, then maybe you should grow up and store those pictures more than a click away. Be glad she is a non-jealous type who doesn’t A. Blame your friends for YOUR “mistake” and/or B. Stop you from going with your bros to New Orleans, where there’s a good chance YOU might catch a glimpse of other women’s breasts.

  9. As someone who lives in a country where it is not unnormal to sunbathe without a bikini top I don’t see the problem

  10. Delete the photos/password protect the photos or don’t share your phone with your friends.

    Grow up too.

  11. It’s not a how do “we” get past this, this is how YOU get past this.

    They are just breasts. Literally everyone has nipples and we have all seen them. It’s not something crazy that you need to keep thinking about. Your friends moved on and your GF moved on from it and you need to catch up.

  12. I thought this was going in a completely different direction based on the title… It’s not like she took her top off or sent them pics of her tits. They accidentally saw a pic on your phone and she didn’t flip out. Sounds like a win to me.

  13. Lol, what exactly is there to get over? I’m over 40. If people other than my SO saw my boobs when I was 20 I would have been so upset. Now I dont really care. Life teaches you what matters. This is not something that matters.

    It was an accident. It’s not like you showed it around on purpose. It’s not like she showed them around on purpose. Your GF is maturing. That’s awsome! Time to catch up bro…

  14. Dude I wouldn’t even have brought this up why would you tell her in the first place? Just tell your friend act like you didn’t just see that and that’s the end of it.

  15. She probably trusts you now enough to know you didn’t show the pictures to them on purpose. She still feels safe even though they saw them

  16. Relationship Advice: my boyfriend keeps “accidentally” showing my nudes to his friends, and then wants to me to be ashamed. Should I dump his insecure gas lighting ass?

  17. The thing is if you are so bothered by your friends seeing her nudes, then why keep them in open? If I were you I would use the “set as private” feature or something else. Your girlfriend’s nudes are treasure to you, so why not keep them like that. If you’re so irresponsible keeping her pictures like that, atleast you lost your rights to be bothered by any of it.

  18. She can’t do anything useful other than letting it go, what’s done is done If she is upset it should be with you for not protecting her privacy, and you should be upset with yourself

  19. I’m having a hard time seeing the problem here. Maybe if you posted the pics I’d understand more.

  20. She changed her mind about being worried about it. It happened before. No big deal. Don’t make it a big deal.

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