Throwaway because my husband uses Reddit on the regular. Just a vent session for me. I (26F) constantly feel like I’m always the one that tries to have sex (I have a very high sex drive). My (30M) husband just has a low sex drive basically. When he doesn’t want to have sex for a long period of time, maybe a week, it actually depresses me a lot and makes me feel like I’m not good enough for him to jump my bones. I’m a person that needs to have sex to know that he loves me still and when we have a dry spell I guess it feels like he’s not interested in my anymore.

Anyway, my vent session is over. Just had to get some of my thoughts out.

  1. If it was like this before your marriage and you either didn’t talk to him about it or ignored it, then not much you can do. Ultimately it may come to a compatibility issue

  2. This is the 3rd or 4th post since the weekend describing a similar theme of a late 20s/early 30s male with low sex drive

    Seems that young mens’ manhood was destroyed either by feminism or toxic masculinity, and now women are suffering as a result?

    Anyway, you can try making him feel wanted (initiate often even if he doesn’t respond as well as you hope), accepted (escalate his initiation), or the old doe trick

  3. My husband suffers from anxiety and depression and as a result, he has low sex drive. The sex is a 10/10 when we do have it. We always do foreplay and we have a pretty good ratio of who initiates.

    I just wanted to vent to wish that my husbands sex drive was ungodly high like mine. Not technically looking for advice.

  4. A week is not super long… You need to take control of your own feelings. Is it his job to satisfy your every need whenever you feel it? His job to deal with your insecurities? If you have a high libido and he has a low one, yes you’re both going to need to try to be considerate of the other. But there’s nothing wrong with him having low just like there’s nothing wrong with you having high. Be an adult and take responsibility. Go to therapy. Self study. Try new things and see if there’s something you can do to mitigate the negative feelings of your libido.

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