How often during day while you are at work do you talk with your partner. My lady has a job behind the computer and half the week works from home. I work manual labor out in the field. She does understand alot of times I can’t talk like that. Just look for others experiences.

  1. My wife calls me a couple of times a day. If I can talk, I pick up, if I can’t, I don’t. She understands.

    I only call her if there is a reason. She’s a teacher and most of the day cannot answer.

  2. Unless I need to talk with her, I don’t. Both of us are typically too busy at work for social calls.

  3. My girl doesn’t text me at work outside of a few occasions. If she’s bringing me food, ordered me food, plans for after work, or if she’s sending me words of encouragement. She understands that when I’m working she has zero priority. Don’t get me wrong I have more then enough to time text her at work, but I choose not to. I’m giving my clients all of my attention. I’m also a fan of deep work.

  4. Talk, almost never unless there’s an emergency.

    A couple of texts throughout the day is common though. More if there’s something going on (after work plans, significant family stuff, etc).

    We both work desk jobs though, so we have the freedom to do so.

  5. When both my wife and I worked in offices we’d probably talk 2-3 times a week for 10 minutes each time. Neither of us are big on texting but we’d get bored at work and normally she’d call me.

    Now we work from home in rooms separated by a wall and might spend 5 minutes total talking through the week during work hours. We’re both just busier now. And without commuting we are both home 2 additional hours together each day.

  6. As often as possible. Five hour time zone difference means being choosy about when we call each other will result in a lot less talking time.

  7. Only important info. Its not like we are radio silent, but we have work to do. We also both work in very detailed oriented careers and non work interruptions slow us down.

    We are not young, so its not like we were accustomed to just text all day. We just share the stories we when we get home.

  8. When I was dating and even when I was married, it was almost never. I’m at work and I never had an office type job with the luxury of texting all day lol. I’m always on the move at my jobs and those are my favourite jobs cause the day goes by super fast. It’s honestly one of the reasons I don’t date anymore, cause I’m not a huge texter and I like not being interrupted when I’m working or doing my hobbies.

  9. My wife gets done about an a hour and a half before I do. She’ll call me while she’s driving home, and we’ll talk for 10-15 minutes. I usually sneak into a meeting room, or take a walk outside.

  10. I take mt break when she has free period. She get’s 30 minutes of my undivided attention every morning at 10:07

  11. Usually once a day. I’m in the reverse, where I’m behind a computer screen and she’s dealing with the public, but having been in her shoes, I know she’s pretty busy, so we try to stick to a quick check-in or a “can you believe this shit” message.

  12. When I have down time waiting for material to arrive or something like that I’ll message with her. If I’m staying in a hotel I call at night

  13. I grew up in a different era. My rule was don’t call me at work unless two things were true:

    1) Somebody is dying.

    2) There’s something I can do to change that.

  14. Been dating my GF now for nearly four months, and I can count the number times I talked voice with her between 7-5pm on one hand, not even using a thumb. Mostly it’s a quick text here and there throughout the day if something interesting happens at work, make plans for later in the evening, figure out what we’re making/getting for dinner, etc. It’s tactical texting, with a “miss you” here and there.

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