What indicates to you that a stranger is succeeding in life?

  1. Nothing, they’re a stranger.

    Someone drowning in debt may appear wealthy, several people I know look happy in public but are depressed or struggling in one way or another. No matter how you measure success, a stranger may be faking it.

  2. If you mean succeeding in a financial stance, I’ve noticed most may still buy very nice brands for clothing, purses, and shoes, but they don’t call attention to it.

    They don’t talk about the brand names, they don’t buy ones with the name in big print across the front or anything. It’s there if you know what to look for but they aren’t flashy about it

  3. Nothing. I don’t know anything about them. You can dress or look the part, but still have everything falling apart around you.

  4. Nothing. You never know anything about people.

    For example, my dad is one of those people that wears really expensive brands but isn’t showy about it. He wears nice watches, has nicely styled hair, and his beard is always trimmed. He goes out with his friends, goes on dates, and is always boasting about how he’s a family man. All in all, he looks like a guy with some money who’s got his shit together and seems to take care of his family.

    In reality, he buys all those nice things while barely paying his bills and building up major credit card debt. He also just had a baby with someone 25 years younger than him which he does not do very much for, he’s got 5 other kids around the state that he also does nothing for, and he’s never kept the same job for longer than 2 years.

  5. nothing

    some people wear fancy things and actually are rich and some don’t and could be rich too

    really no way to tell

  6. I always joke with my wife that if you can keep a white shirt clean all day this probably means you have most of your shit together.

  7. One of the lasting lessons working retail teaches you is that you really cannot tell anything by how a person looks. A guy caked in dirt and cement with torn clothes and worn boots can be making $200k a year and just came into your store after work. Do you want to miss that sale because you thought he was blue collar trash spending all his money on cheap beer?

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