f23 and m24. this is a new account i made specifically for this post lmaoo.

i asked my boyfriend to do this to me a while ago and we’ve had a lot of fun with it. now he’s asked me to do the same to him while he’s sleeping. i’m totally down, but since i’ve never really been on this end of things, i’m looking for some tips/advice. literally anything:) thank you

  1. Make him sleep naked. Then after hes been asleep for at least 45 min.. take his cock and put it in your mouth. If he doest wale up. Find a way to mount that cock and ride it.

  2. It kind of depends on the kind of sleeper he is. When I’ve had it done to me it’s been way easier to get the BJ going vs getting me into position for cowgirl. I’d usually wake up before I could be gotten into position and hard.

    Since I happen to like but stuff, a little P-spot massage while getting a HJ was fun too.

  3. Some people are light sleepers and wake up to the tiniest hint of a change in your breath.

    Others can sleep through a tornado.

    And then there’s the middle ground who can sleep through noisy family members on off schedules, vacuum cleaning in the middle of the night and handymen coming over while they sleep, but who would wake up to the *difference* of you breathing mildly different just because you are horny. Almost as if they have a sixth sense that is never fully asleep.

    You kind of have to find out which one he is.

    If he’s like some people, he’ll wake up the very second you lift the covers a bit.

    If he’s like others, he’ll have trouble sleeping if you hold his penis in your hand.

    If he’s like me, he’ll wake up with you on top of him, having the time of your life.

    And that means that there are a lot of things you CAN do, but the desired effect (assumably; waking up and finding himself inside that awesome wetness of yours) may take a trick or two to achieve without him waking up too early.

    Set the tone a bit and “teach” him to be touched in his sleep; start a habit where you hold him in your hand when you fall asleep. Initially, it’ll probably be hard to fall asleep in the first place. But if you keep it up, you’ll soon be able to reach in under the covers in the middle of the night to grab him without him waking up from it. That’s potentially step one.

    When the timing seems right, wake him up by doing something gentle with your hand. A trick here is to be deliberately gentle, so that the sensations find a way into his dreams. If they crash his dreams, he’ll wake up sooner.

    You want to, for lack of better expression, get him used to that dreams suddenly has a sexual element to them. But not too sudden.

    You can of course also do something with your mouth. Here too, gentle is recommended. Especially if you want him to get used to attention in his sleep. Fast and fierce is for when you totally need to wake him up, and you’ll have those times too.

    Perhaps you are one of those girls who reeeeally like the mental aspect of giving him oral. Who, presented with a hard one that is wet and slippery, absolutely want to have it for yourself. In you. Don’t be shy. Gently hop up and have him in. Bonus points if the first thing he consciously feels in the morning is the awesome wetness of your opening up and letting him slide in. Another kind of bonus points if he wakes up from the sensations of your orgasm.

    Another way to go at this is to start a habit where you two spoon-cuddle when falling asleep. His chest against your back, kind of thing;

    When you are sure that he is asleep, veeeery gently nudge his crotch with your butt. Lure a rise out of him. If you still need some encouragement for your own arousal, grind gently against him. Then find a way to get him in.

    After that, there are kind of three directions this can go,

    The first is that you just happily fuck his brains out and let him wake up in the process.

    Another is that you see if you can wake him up without moving any. This is where those kegel training balls come in handy, because this requires muscle strength and muscle control. Will probably take a while.

    Perhaps it can be fun to let your presence on him find its way into his dreams and take over the dream? Try some veeeery gentle movement and see if he subconsciously responds by moving himself. If you get a push inward, kind of irregular, then that’s what you got. Encourage that, and you can just relax and have it served to you. Gentle, kind of irregular, for a long time.

    Maybe you’ve always wanted to be filled when you sleep? Grown woman’s version of a pacifier, kind of thing? Feel free to. If HE later wakes up and find himself in there, you’ll effectively turn the table on yourself. BOTH waking him with your puss’ AND getting him to wake you up.

    There is always a chance that he falls out before actually waking up, of course. So not a certain route to success.

    You can also *consciously* start like that. Ask him to spoon you *when you fall asleep*. Whoever falls asleep first gets to wake up because of an orgasm.

    If you have any questions, just ask. I’ll try to give you some pointers.

  4. Personally I like giving him bjs while he sleeps and get him hard. Then while he’s groggy I Jump on top and wake him up to me slamming this cat on him and he usually finishes fast. It’s more for my satisfaction that I can make him bust quick with my pussy than my pleasure. And then there’s the times he wakes me up by fingering me and he finishes me off while he’s in me

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