Why do you touch them, kiss them, hug them and have very intense eye contact all the time? And why would you try so damn hard to kiss them in the mouth when you’re drunk?

What is so cool about that?

  1. Thats borderline sus. like messing with people can be funny and stuff but this sounds very sus.

  2. They’re either Gay or Bi.

    I have a decent amount of Gay friends. I’m straight. We go out, I hang at their clubs, maybe flirt with the bartender for some drinks, but that’s about it.

    I’ve not once touched them inappropriately or attempted to kiss them. Because I’m not attracted to them. It’s pretty simple.

    Not your job to bring someone out of the closet and you shouldn’t let them play mind games with you.

  3. Ive never done this nor will i ever, but my guess is its nice to actually be wanted for once.

  4. You know how most dads are still pretty crap at loving their children? I think apart from varying degrees of Bi-ness this is also a factor. Deep down hey crave male affection because dad was so distant. So once they are drunk or drugged and their homophobic inhibitions wane a bit they try to get some.

    But sometimes it’s also some weird dominance shit:

    I had a friend once who would often get kinda cuddly on xtc or other stuff.

    He knew I am bi. One drunk night he convinced me he wanted to try gay stuff because he claimed he wasn’t sure if he was all straight after all.

    Once his limb dick was in my mouth for 5 seconds, he stopped and said “sorry that’s not my thing after all”. Sure thing, buddy I don’t mind, if anyone knows confusion if’s me. But …

    That dipshit later had the audacity to reveal that he did it because after I had met his new girlfriend, she said I had an interesting personality. I had briefly talked to her about philosophy – something he can’t converse about much. He got scared and jealous.

    So he actually asserted dominance over me like a fucking dog jumping the other because of his own fragile, jealous male ego. He even told me how his therapist had chuckled at his “creativity” in dealing with this..

    Needless to say we’re not friends anymore.

    Edit: I know it might not exactly fit OP’s question or experience since I’m bi, but I wanted to point out how rather straight men sometimes do weird (sexual) shit to each other for strange reasons.

  5. Drunk people are more relaxed. That’s reality slipping out. A kiss is very intimate. I imagine they aren’t being straight with you about their sexuality. Pun intended.

  6. Me and my homie always kiss and sometimes suck each other’s ducks as a joke lol doesn’t mean we’re gay hahaha cause we’re just messing around

  7. look at all these people assuming that the straight guy’s gay. could be, but i doubt it.

    here’s my theory. they do it, because being gay is a joke to them. they think it’s funny to “act” gay.

  8. everyone is saying that they’re secretly gay or fruity, bi, whatever. I think it depends on the person. You got those that do want to experiment, maybe have a fear of going down the inevitable sexual orientation crisis. You got those that just had to settle for being straight because they were taught to do so (mostly older people).
    The first timers who have been all their life in a heterosexual history of relationships and are scared to come out or start.
    And then you got the most troubling ones in my opinion, the ones that actually don’t care about actual contact or love of any kind and just do it because they like the attention or the feeling that they can pull anyone even if it’s the same gender. Narcissistic ruthless people.
    This can happen with anyone, men and women. But personal advice, it’s not worth it. You can’t fix people and it’s not a duty to do so, i would stay away.

  9. A lot of people are bisexual but just not enough to call themselves bisexuals. It’s a scale that varies in intensity and moment. I thought this was something gay people knew though.

    Men do like to stroke their egos way too much

  10. My brother is gay and I have dated men who do this to an extent, and I have seen this in full form so many times by my boyfriend’s friends, my friend’s husbands and just any random straight men. It’s true, it seems to be more prevalent with the more “masculine” type straight men. I’ve noticed it happens more if they are more conservative and more likely to be a bit homophobic when sober. This is so interesting, this is a great question. I hope there are some men here who will be honest and tell us why.

  11. Uh, are you ok and who hurt you?

    That aside they’re secretly gay or bi, or just affectionate drunks who don’t understand boundaries. Although I’ve never tried to kiss somebody on the mouth I wasn’t attracted to 🤷🏻‍♀️

  12. I think this depends on the people and how close friends are. I may do some gayish things with my friends but I love women soo lol

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