Women, what would you do if someone makes fun of the feminine side of you?

  1. Depends on who/where. If I can, I might insult them back: If they can dish it out, they can certainly take it too. Most of the time I just shrug and ignore them, though. If they’re that narrow-minded or let their insecurities go out over others, they’re not someone I want to keep around and waste energy on anyway.

  2. Their poking comes from a place of insecurity and jealousy. I’d openly embrace it for the strength it is, thank them without embarrassment, and move on.

  3. Fuck their opinion.

    It’s like Keeley on Ted Lasso when she buys a pink rainbow unicorn notebook and Rebecca makes fun of it, she just goes “fuck off, it’s adorable”. I like feminine sparkly cutesy girly shit, if you don’t like it you can go suck a dick.

  4. be weirded out, bcs why would someone make fun of a WOMAN being womanly? if it’s a girl making fun of me, i’d feel pity for her bcs she’s obviously insecure or has internalised misogyny.

  5. If it’s not a random stranger, start a speech about how his comment is wrong and explaining why is stems from ignorance and explaining with examples how he should embrace his « feminine » (what is socially seen as) side.

  6. Generally be shocked that they picked up on it at all, I don’t exude any amount of femininity like at all so after the initial shock wears off, I would assume they are making generalizations and move on with my life.

  7. I’ve always been a “girly girl,” so if someone made fun of my feminine side they’d really be making fun of all of me. I wouldn’t entertain someone like that.

  8. “Makes fun of the feminine side of you”? What does that mean? That’s too vague.

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