Seen her at the coffee stand I go to. Man.. she’s so pretty but I know for fact she can’t be older than 21 max 22. I’m 31 but luckily look 25. I’m light skin and yada yada black don’t crack lol na but I can’t be hitting on a 21 yr old but shit when you go home thinking about those eyes and that smile. I probably won’t pursue it but I definitely can’t wait to see her again. What would you do?

  1. I see “omg so gorgeous” girls every day. What you do is you go and talk to her and see if you can get somewhere with it. What else can you do? Gorgeous girls damn near get overwhelmed with interested men every single day though, many of them very handsome, many of them her “type”, many of them respectful, many of them viable suitors from her perspective. So don’t hold your breath. She likely has a sea of options bigger than the Atlantic.

  2. Take your time, build a rapport with her and then when the time is right slip her your number on a piece of paper my man and keep your fingers crossed!

    At least that’s what I would do. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But if you don’t go for it you’ll never know.

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