Men who have had vasectomies, how was it? Do you regret your decision?

  1. I had the no needle no scalpel procedure 8 days ago, and it was great! I went in, was talking to the doc, watched some tv they had mounted to the ceiling, was laughing with the doc, felt a bit of tugging and then 5 minutes tops it was over. 2/10 pain at the worst during the procedure.

    Healing wise, first few days I was a little sore but not bad. Took it easy, iced lots, followed instructions. By day 4 was up doing little tasks. By day 6 I was on the treadmill again doing hour long walks. Today I’m starting light weights (15 lbs and under for this week), then next week I’ll be right back to normal. I don’t even notice it anymore at this point though.

    I don’t regret a thing at this point. I’m super happy to have it done.

  2. Haven’t regretted it for a single second ever. It was quick and easy and I got lucky with a simple uneventful recovery.

  3. Mine was done by my family Dr who was 74 years old. He said he hasn’t changed the way he does it since he started doing them in the 1960s. I think he took out more vas tube than most up to date procedures recommend…..

    But if you don’t want to have more kids or any kids then I would highly recommend it.

  4. Easy and quick. I did the newer no-scalpel flavor and had it even easier than a lot of guys I’ve heard from. The worst part was them deciding my standard shave wasn’t sufficient and they needed to re-do it. That was awkward as hell.

    No, but I was all done having kids before I had mine.

  5. Only regret not doing it sooner. The surgery was painful even with sedation. The recovery was slow at almost 2 weeks, probably because I foolishly drank heavily throughout it. So I had a rougher time than many I’ve heard of but still glad I did.

  6. The procedure was a little unpleasant, but pretty quick. Recovery was mildly annoying at worst. Don’t regret it at all.

  7. Easy. I budgeted a whole day to be a couch potato, but sitting in front of the tv felt like a lie because I was fine!

  8. Easy. I had a few “pains” that felt like a pube getting stuck and pulled, not really “pain” pain.

    Don’t regret it one bit.

  9. Had mine years ago. Didn’t really have issues, little soreness but I took off for a few days just in case.

    Never regretted it, not once. my only regret is not getting it done right out of high school.

  10. Best decision ever. Sex without condoms is just so unbelievably better. As is her not dealing with hormonal birth control.

  11. Overall fine. Only post-op downsides:

    1. handing specimen cup of jizz to attractive receptionist to verify no swimmers (2x)
    2. taking strong pain Rx I thought it be a good idea to cut the lawn the following day instead of following “rest” advice of Dr. Bad idea.

  12. A bit of discomfort for a day or two. Not bad at all. Make sure you test for swimmers after a few weeks.

  13. Well, it hurt a little when the pain meds stopped working, but all in all i have had worse migraines.

    And no, never ever regretted it.

    Sure, it made meeting new people a little interesting, since i wanted to be upfront about the situation, but not one seemed to mind it.

  14. In and out of his office in less than 30 mins. Was sore but went back to work as a police officer after my normal 2 days off. Never regretted it.

    We had a daughter and my wife had severe complications so I made the decision to have it done so she’d never have to go through that again. No regrets.

  15. Hmmm…let’s see…get “snipped” or have wifey taking hormone pills or whatever… I got snipped and never regretted it.

  16. Best decision I ever made. We had our first child (planned) had sex once 6 months later while she was on the pill and she got pregnant again.

    Pretty sure I’d have never had sex again without a vasectomy for fear of another pregnancy.

    I basically sat still for three days, barring going to the toilet my wife did everything for me.

    No ill effects after that. Not worrying about protection has improved the spontaneity of our sex life dramatically.

  17. i have to say something here.

    My procedure was done during the summer about 7 years ago. I have not had a good night of sleep since. The discomfort is comparable to having a rock in your shoe that you half to walk on all day. I am 44 now. The specialists that I have seen since then have told me that it is a very vascular area with lots of nerve endings and best options going forward are debatable. My symptoms are reported to be rare but I regret the procedure about as much as I would regret walking in front of a moving car.

  18. I regret it every day . I love being a dad and I had it far to young. It was super easy but wish I would have waited .

  19. The changes in my wifes sex drive (droped the birth control )was, by itself, totally worth it.

  20. How was it? About a 10 minute procedure, no pain that ibuprofen didn’t completely eliminate – other than some very minor inflammation that started a few days in and lasted only a week.

    Regrets? I’m 53, no kids of my own, and definitely don’t want to start a 20-year project right now.

    One important thing about sex now: never having to use birth control, or even think about it, is so liberating! Never having those moments during sex when I’m distracted by thoughts of the condom slipping, if she remembered her pill, etc, was unexpected and takes our intimacy to another level.

    10/10. Would highly recommend.

  21. Absolutely no regret. Had three kids and was married. Took control of what she had worn for years. Relationship still failed, but I didn’t want any more kids.

  22. It was no problem. Chatted briefly with a doc about football while he took a laser to my ballsack. Smelled a little burning flesh. Zero swelling or pain. Zero recovery time. A little bit of ache for a couple of days.

    And a lifetime of condom-free sex, busting raw as God intended for his children.

  23. It wasn’t too bad, I had a complication because I had a hydrocele the doctor didn’t know about before surgery (covid meant no in person appointment) so he went in, did one side then had to explore arulound to find the other, but the local anesthetic didn’t spread fully so he stopped and sent me home to heal and try for a round 2 later.

    My wife spoiled me, and then I got to go through it again, so I got spoiled again.

    Way I see it, we are childfree, it saves my wife going through crazy hormone fluctuations from the pill, means no condoms, and doesn’t require thinking or preparing anything before sex or accidents because someone was forgetful. Even with my complications it’s like an hour out of my life that safeguards the future I want and spares my wife. No regrets.

  24. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made, the peace of mind is wonderful.

    Follow doctors orders on the recovery time and don’t try to rush it.

    Also, there’s a shockingly high % of men who don’t actually get the post-op testing done to confirm they’re sterile – don’t be like them.

  25. At 30 I had 2 kids and said I was done. Wife agreed and that was that. There was No need for her to keep putting millions of fake hormones in here body to keep from getting pregnant. And she says 33 years later it was the healthiest decision she ever made..

  26. The procedure was fine. A good recovery. I regret it only inasmuch as I was pressured into it by my now estranged wife, and it is against my beliefs in that it is an immoral self mutilation.

  27. This might be long.
    TLDR: Had it 8 days ago. Never worse then 6/10 pain. Lefty hurt the most (common). Buy frozen peas in thin bags. Recommend the snip.

    I just had mine 8 days ago so I can give you the 100% FRESHEST example of what it is like.
    I had it done at 8:10 on Valentines Day, but before that I had to have a consultation. This consisted of me watching a video and then the doctors assistant asking me several questions and then asking me if I had any about the procedure. They offered me 2 types of vasectomy, one where I would get a local anesthesia and another where they had someone gas me for about 10 minutes and I get to sleep through it. Then I just had to wait for my appointment once I’d decided to be awake for it.

    The day of I went into a room, the Dr’s Assistant told me to just drop my pants and lay down on the table. They put a sheet over my with a hole in the middle for my genitals (They request you try to shave a bit and I went for extra credit as I found out where they were cutting). The doctor came in and talked to me for about 60 seconds told me he was going to do an injection directly into my scrotum and then did so. Honestly the pain never crossed a 6/10 on the pain scale for me. I was expecting that part to just be a 20/10 but it wasn’t bad. They then clamped what they needed (didn’t feel this AT ALL) and made their incision snipped what they needed, seared it and went on to the other one in less than 2 minutes. I will admit (my doctor said this too) the left one always hurts the most (it hit the 6/10) on that numbing injection. Then in about 2 min he was done. Put a bandage on me sent me in some meds for pain and said ‘Call if you have a fever or any concerning pains, also we need you to gave us your 12th and 24th ejaculate to make sure you are firing blanks’. That was it.

    After that I was bruised and hurt for 3 days, but was able to move around no problem and just had to take my meds and put frozen peas on my testicle to keep the swelling from the bruising down. Now its just countdown to full sterility and stress free time with the wife! So far definitely recommended. It really isn’t bad AT ALL

    I was a bit nervous about AFTER care for myself more than anything, but just don’t bathe for 24 hours after and don’t submerge yourself for like 3 days and you’re golden.

    Edit: Added a word

  28. Little sore for five days. Your sex drive improves as sex is more spontaneous and the risk of getting your pregnant is gone.

  29. Only recently had mine done, but it’s something i’ve wanted done for a couple of years.
    I’m very happy with my decision, mainly because I get to have unprotected sex with my gf AND most importantly she doesn’t have to take harmful and invasive birth control methods when a vasectomy is WAY easier, less invasive…one and done forever.
    So much healthier and low risk long term for a vasectomy in comparison to most women birth control.

    Besides it makes a LOT more sense to be shooting blanks than to shoot at a bullet proof vest hoping for the best.

    Honestly I feel like it just makes total sense to have a vasectomy….they should be giving those away for free to every guy at like 16 years old or something. Worth being a little sore for a few days.

  30. I was coaxed by my wife to get it. The procedure was painful and she stopped having sex with me shortly after. Now Un happily married and completely frustrated that I got the procedure.

  31. Fairly quick. Numbed me so the procedure was basically painless. Was a little pain for a few days but not bad. Tylenol was all I needed. Best decision I ever made. I have mental health issues and no way did I want a child to have to put up with my anxiety and depression. Nor do I believe I could handle all that went into parenting.

  32. Had it done six months after my second boy was born. No needle, no scalpel. And the way my doc did it, he said there was 99.9% it will never be reversed. 🙌🏼! First couple days I was sore as mf. Was laid up with frozen peas on my crotch. Went back to work too soon and ended up with a hematoma. I don’t regret it at all. I hate condoms and my pullout game is week af. I opted to do the vasectomy over the wife getting her tubes tied… way safer, easier, and cheaper. No ragerts!

  33. Had it done 20 years ago. Worst part of the whole process was the itchiness as the incisions healed.

  34. Procedure was smooth and easy.

    They forgot to give me antibiotics. Get the fucking antibiotics lol.

    I had huge swollen balls for a week, it was incredibly painful and was just terrible. My wife was traumatized with guilt.

    I don’t regret it at all, I had some sperm frozen as a just in case, but I stopped paying the cryo fee after a couple of years.

  35. It was fine. Don’t regret it, as my wife was advised on the birth of our second child that she probably shouldn’t have a third because of health risks.

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