Do you prefer the square or rectangular Kleenex/facial tissue boxes and why?

  1. I have no preference about this whatsoever. Unless there’s some sort of very specific space constraint for the location that requires one or the other, this is entirely meaningless to me.

  2. I don’t use facial tissue. Going purely off of aesthetics, though, I’d have to say the square.

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever given it a moment’s thought before now and I’ve reached the conclusion that there are very few things on the planet that I care less about.

  4. No preference, just depends on the size of the spot I’m planning on keeping the tissues in.

  5. I have never thought about this and I’m surprised I have an opinion. Square for every day and rectangle if I’m sick.

  6. I prefer the rectangular Kleenex boxes because they are easier to fit into my bathroom cabinet.

  7. Rectangular usually because there’s more per box, but square is fine if it’s going in a small space.

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