I know this is broad and you can’t read minds but if you were to say something like this, what would you mean by it?

A younger woman (25-27 range) he interacts with occasionally, gives him her number during one of their interactions without him asking for it and he responds with.

“thank you!”

What are the chances that means he will actually use it. Or should she take that as “not interested”

P.s She did that because she noticed he stared at her all the time when she’s not looking, and wouldn’t try to hide it if she does notice, and would always want to be near her, tries to make her laugh etc so she assumed he was interested in her. He’s 40.

Maybe he’s just being friendly?

  1. What?

    If I understand this correctly:

    OP, 25-27 years old, unprompted: “here’s my number”

    Man (~~age unknown, 30+??~~ **age 40**): “thank you!”

    **This 40 year old man is also starting at OP when she isn’t looking.**

    And you, OP, are wondering what this means?

  2. A staring guy doesn’t mean much. The woman has no idea if he’s single, looking or even interested in her.

    Maybe he wast just being polite

  3. I think you’re asking the wrong question. Is he interested or not? Who knows. Should she have given him her number in the first place? If she wants to go out with him, sure–this is the way to find out if he’s interested.

  4. Not enough info. This is not your fault, but there could be multiple reasons for this response.

    First, perhaps he was just shocked.

    Second, there’s possibility that he never thought this was even possible and he’s just processing it, perhaps even paralyzed.

    Third, it could be that he’s politely turning you down.

    Finally, he’s not good non-verbal communication and that he will get back to you.

    The next time you see him, be a little more upfront with him. If you’re not the kind of woman who can’t handle a little rejection, when you talk to him say in a fun little way, “You never texted me!” Then watch his response. That response should give you a real solid idea of his level of interest.

  5. I’m in my early 40’s…so I think I can offer a perspective

    It sounds like he was flirting with you…and probably fantasizing about you, but was not prepared for you to give him your number

    You gotta understand…most dudes don’t get hit on, especially by women over a decade younger than them.

    So I wouldn’t read anything in to the “Thank You” response. His brain was probably not capable of processing what was happening in that moment and just defaulted to thank you as a result. So if you are thinking him only saying thank you meant he wasn’t interested, I would say…don’t jump to conclusions.

    Give him some time.

    See if he reaches out.

    But don’t give up if he doesn’t.

    I would have no idea how to handle a 25 year old being interested in me. I would need time to discuss it with friends, to weigh the pro’s and con’s…and to become comfortable with potentially being the older guy dating the younger woman. Because that does come with a stigma…for both you unfortunately.

    And given that you work together, that makes it potentially an even riskier proposition because it could impact the way he is viewed by other coworkers.

    So just give it a while.

    If he doesn’t reach out and you notice he is acting distant or differently around you…then you can assume he isn’t interested

    If he doesn’t reach out but continues to act like he always has…then take the leap again and ask him why he never reached out.

    Rejection is a part of being the person who makes the first move.

    That is just the cost of doing business

  6. > What are the chances that means he will actually use it. Or should she take that as “not interested”


    However, it is safer to ask for his number (to leave the choice of contacting with you, and taking it out of his hands).

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