I really need some advice on how to deal with this.

My mom is coming to visit me next week on her birthday. Over the years shes become unbareable to be around. She waffles on about irrelevant things. And i mean waffles on as in repeats the same things over and over again. When its insignficant to the converstation.

Today on the phone for example she kept repeating for me to take a bus to the train station and if there are any restaurants. And i kept saying yes and okay and she just repeated it like 5 times and almost argued with me.

Shes also really unaware of her surroundings and going in public with her is awful. She doesnt pay attention to other people. Or respect the space shes in.

Shes very adament about doing things and gets upset if i disagree or dont do something she unconsiously wished for. Shes overbearing.
She wants affection from me and also expects me to accomodate her wishes all the time.

I feel like im going to pop a vein if i have to put up with her beheaviour again. Help.

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