What simple things bring you joy?

  1. I built a bird feeder for my yard and watching the birds makes me smile in the mornings.

  2. Hugging my wife and putting my face by her neck and taking in her scent. Peace and quiet alone time. Vegging out on a good session of 7 Days to Die.

  3. Seeing the stars. I work late and when I come home on a clear night. I sometimes take a few minutes to just look up and try to take in the sheer size and beauty of the sky and universe.

  4. I have four dogs. Each bring me hippieness in their own way. Two of the four I’ve had since they were 2 months old, one of the four was left on our doorstep by a relative who didn’t want her anymore, and the other one was picked up at a shelter because no one wanted him.

    This shelter dog has divots on his head from being chained to a tree. Because he kept pulling and pulling over the years that he was chained to that tree, the chain wrapped around his tiny head and left grooves on his skull. He was also very anxious all the time. The first year we had him, he would literally yell himself awake from whatever he was dreaming about. He didn’t want to leave his little doorless crate. He didn’t know how to interact with the other dogs that we have. The shelter said he was too aggressive, too intense, for anyone.

    After that first year, I understood that he wasn’t aggressive at all. Sure he would lunge but he would never bite. He ran everywhere because he didn’t know how to walk. He was just so misunderstood. All seven pounds of him was just a shaking ball of anxiety. Throughout the years, he has dropped his intensity and found who he is.

    What brings me joy is, sure, they’re all happy when I come home. They do their little zoomies, they spin around, and they jump at me. But the most joy is when this little shelter dog is ready to go to bed at night. I’ll lay down on the couch, all of my dogs jump on the couch and find their usual spot on me of next to me to sleep but my shelter dog always finds the exact same spot which is underneath my left arm, up against my body, and he tucks his head between my chest and my shoulder and closes his eyes. I look at him and think about what this dude has been through and where he’s at now and knowing that he knows he’s safe and content brings me joy.

    Also, deadlifts. Deadlifts always brings me joy.

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