What makes you want a third date?

Is a second to third date significant-ish?

After how many dates do you know you want a girl? Generally(obviously that can be subjective) but on average

  1. Depends how fresh the dates are, how hungry I am, sometimes I’ll ask for a 4th, 5th or even 6th date. Good source of fiber and energy.

  2. Once we get past enjoying the first date, I’m not really thinking that hard about it and am just happy to keep spending time together.

  3. By then, I’m hoping that there’s chemistry. It doesn’t necessarily have to lead to sex (sex can happen when it happens, and that varies wildly in my experience), but there’d better be some sexual tension. By then I’d also have checked for my biggest dealbreaker, so obviously I’m bailing if I picked up on any of those.

  4. If I ask for a second date, then I see real possibility for a deeper connection.

    If I want a third date, them I definitely see her as someone I could go long term with.

    I know within those first 2 dates easily if I want to continue seeing her.

  5. Chemistry and a lack of dealbreakers for a 3rd date. That plus good and frequent sex that is (sometimes at least) initiated by her is what makes me want her.

  6. Dates are like interviews. If there is a 3rd date and we still aren’t going out, I am just going to assume I am being taken for a ride.

  7. Two good first dates.

    Honestly, third date is still the “testing” phase to see if you’re romantically compatible (I also subscribe to the philosophy that you should get to know someone before you ask them out anyways, as it removes a lot of the early guesswork). By the third date, you should already know how they feel about dating in general (i.e. date around, monogamous, etc.), how they feel about broader issues, what their plans are long term, and how they treat service people (at least one of your two first dates need to involve them at some capacity). If everything is going great after that, third date should be a no-brainer.

  8. Dates often don’t happen in a vacuum. When people are “dating” they may be dating many people. You may have a good first and second date, only to have some women swoop in and rock the guys world on a first date. Next thing you know you go from third date material to maybe later.

    In terms of going exclusive, good times, compatible interests, compatible life goal, compatible sexuality, and most importantly feeling a very good spark.

  9. It really depends on the women. If she checks all the boxes on the first date (being agreeable is a huge one), I’m usually more invested early on. Conversely, if she’s giving the vibe of expecting a traditional guy but she isn’t traditional herself, there won’t be a second date.

  10. If I like her? I don’t know what else you’re looking for here. Third date is kind of significant because it’s probably when we’re having sex if we’re going to. After about date three is when it’s probably going to be a longer term thing.

  11. I’ve enjoyed the previous two dates and her company and feel like we have good chemistry.

    >After how many dates do you know you want a girl?

    I usually know before the first date if I want her carnally.

    Sometime between before the first date and the end of the 2nd date for knowing if I want to continue getting closer to her and getting to know her.

    Wanting to make her my girlfriend is less of a thing than wanting to continue to get closer to her. Becoming a couple flows pretty organically from that for me rather than it needing some big arbitrary flourish.

    That said, if she shows me strong physical desire for me and sexual attraction towards me, that’s always a plus.

  12. I mean 3rd date is when all the hard work gets rewarded, so really your question should be about a 4th date.

  13. It’s either the first or second date for me. After that I know where I want things to go.

  14. Because I am still interested in her and want to keep seeing her.

    >Is a second to third date significant-ish?

    The date numbers shouldn’t matter. What matters is the chemistry and how you make each other feel.

    >After how many dates do you know you want a girl?

    Again, # dates doesn’t really matter. In some cases, I know I want a girl after the first date. Some I went out with for a few months and then realized I don’t really want her.

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